Possible to use searchable select in custom Alpine component?

New to filament and Alpine, but i'm trying to create a custom form "Alpine only" no livewire form. I'd like to use the select component from filament with the searchable functionality. Is this possible?

<x-filament-forms::field-wrapper label="Address 1">
<option value="">Select an address</option>
<template x-for="(item, index) in address1Options" :key="index">
<option :value="item" x-text="item"></option>

<x-filament-forms::field-wrapper label="Address 1">
<option value="">Select an address</option>
<template x-for="(item, index) in address1Options" :key="index">
<option :value="item" x-text="item"></option>
This gives me the standard select with single options, but it doesn't invoke the searchable ui. Any ideas how to do this?
1 Reply
toeknee3mo ago
Looking t the select blade from filament we merge the extrainputAttributes for multiple. If it is then we apply classes. I suspect we have a condition to check for multiple to then enable the chociesjs for searchable

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