Filament Table Filtering: Summarizing Data by Year in Separate Rows

I want to apply a filter to my Filament table. My goal is to create a separate row for each year as a result of the filtering, and summarize the data for that year in each row. For example, I want to obtain a result like this after filtering:
year | sales_count | total_amount | date_of_sales | order_ids
2024 | 123 | 18284.00 | 2024-10-10 00:00:00| 28,29,34,38,39,...,180
2023 | 85 | 12500.00 | 2023-11-15 00:00:00| 1,2,3,4,5,...,90
2022 | 102 | 15000.00 | 2022-09-20 00:00:00| 91,92,93,94,...,195
year | sales_count | total_amount | date_of_sales | order_ids
2024 | 123 | 18284.00 | 2024-10-10 00:00:00| 28,29,34,38,39,...,180
2023 | 85 | 12500.00 | 2023-11-15 00:00:00| 1,2,3,4,5,...,90
2022 | 102 | 15000.00 | 2022-09-20 00:00:00| 91,92,93,94,...,195
For filtering, I'm using the following code: php
'Saatlik' => 'Saatlik',
'Günlük' => 'Günlük',
'Haftalık' => 'Haftalık',
'Aylık' => 'Aylık',
'Yıllık' => 'Yıllık',
])->query(function (Builder $query, array $data): Builder {
$type = $data['value'];

if ($type === "Yıllık") {
YEAR(date_of_sales) as year,
COUNT(*) as sales_count,
SUM(order_total_amount) as total_amount,
MAX(date_of_sales) as date_of_sales,
GROUP_CONCAT(id) as order_ids
->orderBy(DB::raw('YEAR(date_of_sales)'), 'desc');

return $query;
'Saatlik' => 'Saatlik',
'Günlük' => 'Günlük',
'Haftalık' => 'Haftalık',
'Aylık' => 'Aylık',
'Yıllık' => 'Yıllık',
])->query(function (Builder $query, array $data): Builder {
$type = $data['value'];

if ($type === "Yıllık") {
YEAR(date_of_sales) as year,
COUNT(*) as sales_count,
SUM(order_total_amount) as total_amount,
MAX(date_of_sales) as date_of_sales,
GROUP_CONCAT(id) as order_ids
->orderBy(DB::raw('YEAR(date_of_sales)'), 'desc');

return $query;

However, this code doesn't give me the desired result. All records are returned as a result of the filtering, and a separate row is not created for each year. My questions are: What changes do I need to make in the filtering code? What steps should I follow to create a separate row for each year and summarize the data for that year? How can I display the data obtained from the query result in the Filament table? Thank you in advance for your help. Best regards.
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