How to prevent the select in filter?

The case is I want to select the platform first and get the value and map it in another select. The problem is there is no platform column it just a based on the select type which is in Settings example if select platform "web". I want to fetch it in the Type select and in there I want to get the key and value ->filters([ Tables\Filters\SelectFilter::make('platform') ->options(Platform::class) ->searchable() ->optionsLimit(10), Tables\Filters\SelectFilter::make('type') ->options(function ($get) { $platform = $get('platform'); if (!$platform) { return []; } // Fetch the settings key based on the selected platform $settingsKey = "{$platform}_report_types"; $reportTypes = Setting::where('key', $settingsKey)->value('value'); if ($reportTypes) { return collect(json_decode($reportTypes, true))->mapWithKeys(function ($value, $key) { return [$key => $value]; // Format as [key => value] })->toArray(); } return []; }) ->searchable() ->optionsLimit(10), ])
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