How can I create a button to toggle a group of fields instead of utilizing the column filters
I have a use case where a table has a lot of columns that span beyond the screen. These columns all need to be present for filtering purposes and quick comparisons between models, but I would like to create tabs that simply toggle them on or off based on the selected value.
I am not sure how to accomplish this within filament.
Example output without filament:
If i have fields ID, Hobby, [field set 1 |2|3|4|5] , actionables.
the buttons should only toggle the field set. And only one set of fields should be present at a time, though all can be filtered through the standard process.
Are there any "Column groups" that have a taggable option?
If i understood how filament works, I could try this myself, but beyond the basic form and table additions, I struggle with knowing how to customize things.
But I imagine that the best way to do this would be modify a columnGroup to accept a toggleable button. with a radio or checkbox selection. (one or the other, or all selected)
3 Replies
that worked. Thanks... is there a way to apply the ->visible to the entire group of fields to avoid repeating? as of now, ->visible isnt an available function for groups
yes, only by column