Hi there Why, when I put my number on my password, I can’t login in my account so what is the proble
Solution:Jump to solution
If you are facing failed to login issue, this may due to an unstable Internet connection. It is recommended to play with a stable cellular data or Wi-Fi connection. We also suggest that you try the following solutions:
• Try with a different Internet connection to see whether if you can log into the game.
• Log out of the account, close the game, and clear some storage on your device before logging in again.
• Try to repair from the login menu of the game or reinstall the game....
1 Reply
If you are facing failed to login issue, this may due to an unstable Internet connection. It is recommended to play with a stable cellular data or Wi-Fi connection. We also suggest that you try the following solutions:
• Try with a different Internet connection to see whether if you can log into the game.
• Log out of the account, close the game, and clear some storage on your device before logging in again.
• Try to repair from the login menu of the game or reinstall the game.
If the issue persists, please contact the in-game customer service for further assistance.