Best Laravel starter kit? (Having trouble with Volt?)

Heya all, I've been deep diving Laravel and am really loving it! I found Filament the other day and am wildly impressed. I attempted to start adapting it into my somewhat in progress project (I've mostly been working on the backend, not much front end) and am attempting to adapt the Laracast video to my project, but attempting to allow Filament to handle the routing doesn't appear to be working. I can copy/paste a lot of my code into a different project if Volt's class API is not ideal, but didn't know if there was a better solution? What I am trying to do: Let Filament handle routes? What I did: Followed the Laracast, which in this case suggests commenting/deleting the contents web.php's routes, which doesn't appear to work with the contents of my pretty bone stock (as far as routes are concerned) project My issue/the error: 404 Code:
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
'primary' => Color::Orange,
'gray' => Color::Sky,
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
'primary' => Color::Orange,
'gray' => Color::Sky,
And web.php is now just <?php
1 Reply
toeknee4mo ago
Leave filament to handle it's own routes. If you want a panel to be root your should do: ->path('')

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