Filament Shield: Menu not appears
I create the new role for test user but menu not showing, what happen ?? in Laravel 11
7 Replies
Just post this in #bezhansalleh-shield channel.
And did you register Policy?
Sounds like the user doesn’t have the right permissions to intersect with the roles resource.
Yes i did, but thanks i want post in there
Yes sir, but how to fix it ?
Assign the permissions to the test user
Thanks sir, its solved, but i dont know what happen
#bezhansalleh-shield just updated the plugin the now there are more steps like permisions generation and admin making
more here:
Shield by Bezhan Salleh - Filament
The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Panel's Resources, Pages & Widgets through spatie/laravel-permission.
do not forget the last commands in the end like: