Display Notifications for different panels
Friend, I am still working on my exports with ExportAction between panels and the system using tenant, the problem for these cases is that in addition to the complex configurations for these cases, I am also not being able to show the database notifications in the corresponding panel... for testing What I am doing, I am able to generate an Excel document but the notification does not appear in the company panel, I checked several things, I even added a script in the panel for databaseNotifications but it does not work for me.
However, these do appear in the admin panel, the AdminPanel
Any idea what I might be missing or wrong?
Thank you very much friends!
3 Replies
You can extend the notification class and add your own team_id or panel_id and then scope the notifications
I have created this Notification model and applied Database Notification extends, I understand that this is Filament's, my problem is how to use it?
I had tried something like that!
I had tried something like this, but I get the error in the image, I understand that this method does not exist in Filament's DatabaseNotification class, so I can't understand what I should do or how to use the custom Notification class