.in support in cloudflare

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6 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
You got your answer in the screenshot, no?
unknownOP4mo ago
No. Not yet. Why do you think about why they still not added very famous TLD .in. But cloudflare added all unnecessary domain extensions like dog, cafe, etc.. Even .lol.
Erisa4mo ago
because adding a tld isnt just a case of adding a text string to a database, it requires a ton of negotiation and cooperation with the registry that manages the tld so they only put in that effort for the tlds they find are requested the most often and have registries that are willing to cooperate with them
unknownOP4mo ago
You think it will be possible to add .in support.? And the image which i was posted is 4 years old.
Erisa4mo ago
yes well either they determined it wouldnt provide sufficient benefit to add or they ran into roadblocks getting it setup with the registry. youll notice that a lot of country tlds are missing for similar reasons i should also note that tld support only applies to cloudflare registrar, you can register a domain elsewhere and use all cloudflare features with it no problem for the record, the right place to write about this is here https://community.cloudflare.com/t/in-tld-support/628920 you can see that there is not a lot of votes or replies on it
unknownOP4mo ago
Yeah, but all in one place is a different kind of cool thing. I voted.

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