Leather Jacket thrifting advice/style suggestions [EU]
Im currently seaching for a nice secondhand leather jacket in black. Mostly looking at stuff similar to this too-small Schott, meaning some kind of collar, relatively cropped but not too slim.
Location: EU
Budget: around 200 ideal, plenty of stretch if I really want it.
What im looking for: primarily brand recommendations to search for. But if you have ideas of what kind of jackets might fit into my style (see my #waywt posts, mostly going for some kind of euro-urban-cowpoke thingy with 70s and navy milsurp scattered in) feel free to make suggestions!
7 Replies
Schott 658
thanks! knowing a model nr is helpful!
realizing my mind thinks a black jacket would be a sensible choice but my heart wants brown
i think this one is nice
I was also looking for similar jackets in brown, mostly going for the a2 bomber jacket model
Got one pair but didn’t fit as expected so gave up for now, but good luck 🫡
man, leather jackets are hard!