horrible ping ingame and bad ping in range
range has around 130ish ping (40-50 more than usual) and ingame im getting thousands

133 Replies

the ping estimations also keep bouncing around
its only valorant my brother was getting regular ping in CS
it was fine yesterday this is after the recent patch
restarting the router didnt do much
@lyra the riot employee told me to tag you π
my range ping keeps rising too
i was getting ~90 earlier now its ~180
packet loss is fine
I wanted to sleep bruhπ
who is your provider my friend and from where do you play from
im in uzbekistan rn
i dont even know my provider ill check
where do you usually play towards
Stockholm right ?
i cant deal with the russians
well I guess I'm going back to hibernation thank you
should i do an ipinfo
Where do you think you are going bruh :val_KekwSob:
bro gotta sleep π
Uzbekistan need internet to get fixed no time to sleep!
Uzbektelekom Joint Stock Company
and they always start flaming you for not speaking Russianπ
its not just that
they have 0 teamplay
0 comms
...okay buddy
Uzbektelekom Joint Stock Company
I pray that both sides of your pillow is warm
ill have a look... since when is this bad for you or when did you notice
i noticed just now
after the patch
yesterday i was fine
though yesterday my ping was slightly higher than usual
couldve just been me
I call routing issue
me too
are you guys routing me through mars or what
lol most likely your ISP routing you through narnia
could be
should ic heck my router settings
theyre at factory settings i believe
ih avent changed them since yesterday (pin g was fine) atleast
restart router meanwhile, thats a pro move by @lyra
i did
ping was still bad π
i dont know if its on my end cause my brothers ping is fine in cs
honestly the best thing you can do is just to use telia as your isp
did anyone mention telia?
I love telia
do you think i have teliaa
in uzbekistan
the best isp in the word
ill email Telia to watch out for your name Lyra, this is getting borderline sus
my router site is in fucking chinese bro
wait now im on 200ms not 4000

still high for UZ
Can you fill this one up for me please ? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9c4AbpNLxwxlVbtEgVQbdjgyAKOTllug5TSSPKPvm_Na5wA/viewform
Google Docs
Riot Games - Latency issues form
In order to do a deep dive into your latency issues we need more details from your ISP, please go to https://ifconfig.co/ and fill this form with your details
need your public IP to check routing
i entered it
cool got it nice
wait no it was 200 in bahrain its 160 in stockholm (still high)
maybe the servers are on high load or something
now 200 π
no the problem is that your ISP do not have presence closer to our servers, which they need to use transit carriers, basically companies that have fibre optics across ocean and land and rent them to smaller ISPs
so if they have like 5 of these on the path its not going to be stable and nice if you get me
yea i feel you
how come its recent though
it might be that one of these dudes who carry the data have outage or got removed on the path and other stepped in
its also incredibly inconsistent
who knows right
i see
i feel like if i call support and ask the status of their transit carriers theyd just be confused
going to see if we can shorten it up somehow, most likely going to take few days so you have to wait
it was 200 earlier now its between 100-140
yeah thats shit
was it ever under 100 ?
it just hit like 95 for a split second
Id say we aim towards about 75
then its playable somehow
75 sounds great
i usually play on 90-100
or just move closer to europe
good enough for plat
im LEAVING this country the moment im 18 bro
oh nice!
ud ont get it
im not even from here
nice for plat I mean haha
whats the best ping you think youd be able to get on frankfurt (for me)
im bakc above 200 now it was just hovering between 95-120
Kenji being the absolute best as always :KEKW: :__reynalove:
well in theory you can play anywhere you want (in Region at least) but we aim for CIS based players to be playing in Stockholm, so there you should have best ping, average is about 85ms for UZ
yea in stockholm its usually 85-95
well in your pic is 159ms that kinda sucks
Are you trying to get a gunbuddy from me :val_KekwSob: π
Is that something that could be solved by resetting the router/connection?
No, I just see you in tickets and aim to be you π₯²
not usually no
unless @lyra reboots your router
Also, begging is so 2023 -_-
then its automatically fixed
Lyra has some magic hands or something π
every other mortal needs to work for it
lets go with special :val_KekwSob:
i hate you
Okay, I will call them ''special'' :KEKCRY:
Noooo, I am sure he meant it in a nice way :KEKW:
I bet 10 bucks he did not
@Kenji-San Do I win or lose 10 bucks? π
you know what you know what, I hope that next time you buy legos you will accidentally get the fake ones that barely work and you won't be able to return em :angry_FB: :AFoxy_Hmph:
I don't want to say you asked for it- :SOBS:
anywho imma go and do my daily prayer to the telia gods
I love telia
Enjoy :__reynalove:
wanna know a fun fact about telia?
Yes please
telia owns arelion (previously telia carrier) and arelion is a tier 1 provider, so basically telia is a tier 1 isp
can i have 5 gun buddies
want another one?
ofc you do
5??? I'd be happy with 0,5 gunbuddies
Yes please :NODDERS:
telia is one of the Oldest Telecom Companies, Telia traces its roots back to 1853
fuck were they doing in 1853
were they sending packets via carrier pidgeon
wait who is the oldest then???
no idea
1853 is insanely old already, that's crazy
think it's one from 1990
yeah telia ofc did other stuff back then
I was wondering like??? How, when Internet became a thing in like...thw 1960/70?
@Kenji-San is cooking like always

it was a telegraph company in 1853 and in 1993 I think they became a isp
who uses telia dudeeeeeeeeeee
Kongl. Elecktriska Telegraf-Werket.
google da
oh wait
let's stay on topic
latency issue
its basically resolved
kenji said hes gonna help with the routing
its still bad 1 day later
usually latency issues like this resolve for me after a day
it could also just be my isp
im lagging in roblox too
@Kenji-San why dont you route central asian players to dubai servers wouldnt that be more efficient
who needs a stable connection anyways π₯±

get on my level π₯± (this is my first good game I'm 2 weeks)

Flexing mvp in gold is crazy
Good stuffπ
I play for fun lemme beπ
sounds like a skill issue
that needs to be fixed
hopefully Kenji will be able too
could also be my isp
no clue
cs2 is fine according to my brother
yeah it is your isp (in my not so professional opinion
thx bro
i doubt it though it was fine pre patch
like 80-90
which is playable forme
Hehe I was kidding
for fun 12hrs a day :val_SusgeNoted:
that was a one time thing..................
i remember getting like 23rr for 990 tracker score
@Kenji-San my issue is resolved what did u do

thx bro π
can you help me too?
in menu i get 40 ping as usual
but in game i get 200-300 ping which drops to 61 ping for 1 sec and back to 300
I play from Melbourne australia (sydney server)
Internet provider is TPG
dude wtf my ping is back up
ig isp changed to a better route, then they was like "WAIT GUYS IF VOZOID GETS ANY LOWER PING HE WILL BECOME RADIANT #1" so they got scared of you and they changed back to the old route
yea its back to normal
i think my isp is just really silly