I have a use case in which i need to create multiple instances of janusgraph in a single service, and these instances are using different JANUSGRAPH_RELATION_DELIMITER.
I have gone through the source code and found the class RelationIdentifier.java, where I can see that the property JANUSGRAPH_RELATION_DELIMITER is read from the environment variable and not from the configurationBuilder.
Is this the only way to provide the delimiter variable? If no, then can you provide a workaround for this?
Please help @Bo @porunov @Florian Hockmann @Natalia
3 Replies
Reading from the environmental variable is the only way
If you have multiple instances of JVM, each running a single JanusGraph service, cannot you provide different environmental variables?
JVM instance is only one, which is running multiple instances of Janusgraph, that is why i am facing this issue.
If I provide the delimiter env varibale, it will be applied to all the instances which i do not want
@Bo is it possible in any way to use the configurationBuilder to set the delimiter variable?
No because janusgraph-driver has no dependency on janusgraph-core