Self-Hosting Issues
Hi, all. I'm super new to Novu and node.js in general.
I've followed the GitHub page instructions and have a working node.js server now. When I run "npx novu@latest dev" I see the output in the attached screenshot. I am unable to browse to any of the links mentioned. I don't have any firewalls on my system (brand new Debian 12 install) so I don't think its a networking issue. I've consulted with ChatGPT and it suggested running "npm run build" and then "npm run start". When I do that, I see something that shows a URL of http://localhost:3000. This URL is accessible via but it only shows the default node.js page, not the Novu application. What am I doing wrong?
Any help is greatly appreciated - thanks in advance!
2 Replies
Firstly, in another terminal you need to run npm run dev for the bridge end point to work. Then you can access it through the https://localhost:2022/studio
Did you follow this doc?
Following up on this