electronic configuration exception
Ru (Z=44 ) ki electronic config 5s^1 4d^ 7 kiu hai and not 5s^2 4d ^6
mere chem teacher ne sirf 2 exceptions karayi thi Cu and Cr ki
13 Replies
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+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.I think it’s because the 4d orbitals and 5s are close in energy levels and half filled s orbitals are more stable
Yea all this is just from data man
what , how is half filled s more stable , i am pretty sure fully filled s is more stable
insert bruh noises

i was agreeing with you brother insert more bruh noises
must be an exception then smh
i hope its not that important for exams like jee mains and advanced ?
thanks everyone
yea yaad kar hi lo its better tbh
oh lol 🗿
+solved @iTeachChem @727 @Phalawor @Gamertug
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