I have an express application that uploads images to an /uploads folder in my express application.
Ies it correct to mount a volume to /uploads in order to have persistent storage of the images in that folder?
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please see our docs on this topic - https://docs.railway.com/guides/volumes#relative-paths
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please see our docs on this topic - https://docs.railway.com/guides/volumes#relative-paths
so would it be /app/uploads ? π
Is there a way to check the contents of the volume so that I know something has been uploaded there ? New to railway and trying to see if it makes sense on a client project π
My code generates urls like such: https://exarbete-production.up.railway.app/uploads/eventImage-1731874140525-205047834.jpg
just trying to figure out if this has actually ended up in persistent storage or not π
or does this backend code need to reflect the app/uploads bit? i feel like the documentation isn't super clear, or I might not understand it fully π
most likely
check the volume metrics
backend code should not use
Yeah solved it eventually, the issue i was facing was that the images I was uploading was so small that the metrics didn't seem to detect them being uploaded. Uploaded some bigger ones and got some reaction π