On delete cascade not working

I have the following tables:
export const exercises = sqliteTable("exercises", {
id: integer("id").primaryKey().notNull(),
created_at: integer("created_at").default(sql`(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', 'now'))`),
exercise_name: text("exercise_name").notNull(),

export const labels = sqliteTable("labels", {
id: integer("id").primaryKey().notNull(),
name: text("name").notNull(),
parent_id: integer("parent_id"),

export const exercise_label = sqliteTable("exercise_label", {
exercise_id: integer("exercise_id")
.references(() => exercises.id)
label_id: integer("label_id")
.references(() => labels.id)

export const sets = sqliteTable("sets", {
id: integer("id").primaryKey().notNull(),
exercise_id: integer("exercise_id")
.references(() => exercises.id, { onDelete: "cascade" })
date: integer("date")
.default(sql`(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', 'now'))`)
kg: integer("kg").notNull(),
reps: integer("reps").notNull(),
export const exercises = sqliteTable("exercises", {
id: integer("id").primaryKey().notNull(),
created_at: integer("created_at").default(sql`(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', 'now'))`),
exercise_name: text("exercise_name").notNull(),

export const labels = sqliteTable("labels", {
id: integer("id").primaryKey().notNull(),
name: text("name").notNull(),
parent_id: integer("parent_id"),

export const exercise_label = sqliteTable("exercise_label", {
exercise_id: integer("exercise_id")
.references(() => exercises.id)
label_id: integer("label_id")
.references(() => labels.id)

export const sets = sqliteTable("sets", {
id: integer("id").primaryKey().notNull(),
exercise_id: integer("exercise_id")
.references(() => exercises.id, { onDelete: "cascade" })
date: integer("date")
.default(sql`(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', 'now'))`)
kg: integer("kg").notNull(),
reps: integer("reps").notNull(),
Note that int the sets table, there is a statement that on deletion of an exercise, the sets should also be deleted. however, when i test this, the rows in sets with the exercise id of the deleted exercise are not deleted. Am I doing something wrong?
2 Replies
Angelelz4mo ago
Is your database schema in sync with your drizzle schema? Meaning, did you apply the migration after adding the on delete?
ThomsrOP4mo ago
Yes The issue was that I was not not enabling the foreign key pragma But I also don’t know how to do that with drizzle So I used the execAsync from the expo sqlite

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