VALORANT•4mo ago

London ping jumped from <10 to 40+ suddenly?

I can see other people have had issues with ms since patch - having a similar issue with London ms being the same as Paris despite me living in London. ISP: Hyperoptic - no issues on other games that I've noticed. Can't see any outages on Hyperoptic website. Baffled how my ping has changed by 30+ since patch. Any fixes I can try?
23 Replies
2•4mo ago
I do not think there would be a fix, maybe try updating or restarting wifi drivers?
KugaOP•4mo ago
I run a wired connection 😦 Can try updating network drivers I suppose
2•4mo ago
As in etherenet?
KugaOP•4mo ago
2•4mo ago
Still believe you can update the drivers!
KugaOP•4mo ago
Done - no joy! Interestingly I tried to routetrace suggested by @Kenji-San and something tells me this might be a part of the issue:
No description
Kenji-San•4mo ago
Most likely a routing issue, ill have a look
Kenji-San•4mo ago
@Kuga can you fill this form up for me please ? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9c4AbpNLxwxlVbtEgVQbdjgyAKOTllug5TSSPKPvm_Na5wA/viewform this way I can get your public IP and trace it down more correctly, I think your ISP is not sending us your path via the usual path and is taking a longer route, maybe via Paris ? not sure but +30ms is quite bad
Google Docs
Riot Games - Latency issues form
In order to do a deep dive into your latency issues we need more details from your ISP, please go to https://ifconfig.co/ and fill this form with your details
KugaOP•4mo ago
Done! Thanks 🙂
Kenji-San•4mo ago
yup confirmed in order to reach your ip address we are traveling to Amsterdam then Frankfurt and then back to you. This is due to your provider not "telling us" the correct way to reach you. ill drop them an email to fix this hopefully they see this as priority
KugaOP•4mo ago
Oh man, okay. That's weird, wonder what on earth they've changed to have that be the case. Never had issues before 😦 Thanks for all your help Kenji, hopefully it gets fixed soon!
Kenji-San•4mo ago
Sometimes when routing is being configured these can be missed, if it was working before might be the case we had more "connections" with them and now some of them that knew the path were turned off. Just a though, but without proper investigation from both sides its hard to tell. np ill keep you updated once they come back to me
HTD Prince
HTD Prince•4mo ago
kenji can you check my post @Kenji-San
Kenji-San•4mo ago
@HTD Prince sorry mate I only deal with network issues, but I am sure there are people around who have more technical IT knowledge and will look into that for you
HTD Prince
HTD Prince•4mo ago
but i cant play nobody reesdponded @Kenji-San can you ask someone to help me
Sexyboy•4mo ago
Same issue here, live in London with Hyperoptic (and this has happened with Hyperoptic before) - usually get around 4ms and now it's around 40ms. Will you update this thread once they come back to you @Kenji-San 🙂 ?
Kenji-San•4mo ago
Hyperoptic lads are working on the "fix" we have raised it with them few times this week. its about allowing your IP address through a certain internet exchange where we both are present ( RIOT & Hyperoptic ISP) @Sexyboy give them a call and complain that is usually what speeds things up
Sexyboy•4mo ago
I'll log a ticket with them again, this happened previously around June / July. If others are with Hyperoptic in the UK please do the same so hopefully it stops happening and they apply the fix sooner rather than later! Thanks v much @Kenji-San
Kenji-San•4mo ago
yeah that's on them unfortunately its out of our hands :val_KekwSob: @Sexyboy @Kuga did you guys get sorted ? We see Hyperoptic prefixes now in correct spot can you check it out please @Riot Lag Lassoer for vis
KugaOP•4mo ago
Yep! Apologies, meant to message yesterday saying ms seemed to be back in its rightful spot. Thanks for your help Kenji!
Kenji-San•4mo ago
noice! hope same for you @Sexyboy btw I can hear your profile pic :val_KekwSob:
KugaOP•4mo ago
:kekW: i'm glad
Sexyboy•4mo ago
sorry I missed this! yes it was fixed a while ago now, back to very low ping 🙂

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