SSL on subdomain not working properly
I am trying to make API calls to my API hosted on railway, using a custom subdomain. for some reason, even though i send the request with HTTPS://, the server is insisting on a no secure request.this is an issue because my API interacts with a website, and the website doesnt allow insecure third party connections. if anyone knows a workaround that would be great
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please send the image again without blur
its just my endpoint
what kind of app is this
just my fastapi backend
you likely need to tell it to trust the proxy headers
sorry if this is unrelated to railway but how do i do that?
I can't recall off the top of my head, but since it isn't related specifically to railway, a quick Google search should do you nicely
i c
found hte issue it wasnt railway related
it was a trailing issue i guess
i had a
at the end of the urlyou should also have your app trust the proxy headers too