I used to play Valorant with a stable 25ms ping to the Dubai server, rarely experiencing any issues. However, over the past two weeks, my ping has been erratic. Although the in-game menu consistently shows 25ms, the actual in-game ping often spikes to 140ms or more. This inconsistency happens repeatedly; sometimes, the menu displays 25ms, but in-game, I’ll experience significant packet loss, often around 50%. On other occasions, the menu might show 150ms, but in-game, it drops to 25ms, yet the gameplay still feels like I'm on high ping. This strange behavior has been ongoing for 2-3 weeks, but today, I faced high ping across all servers. My usual servers, Dubai and Bahrain, were both unusually high on the list, and Frankfurt suddenly appeared at the top, with the lowest ping showing 120ms. It seems like the issue has escalated, making my overall experience frustrating. Any kind of help or advice to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
15 Replies
@waq where do you play from and who provides your internet service my friend. Drop me a traceroute towards
if you can pleaseI didn't get your question :(
what company sell you the internet service, so I can check statistics, also if you run a traceroute I will be able to see if there is something wrong on the service
okay I'm from Pakistan and things work a little differently here, there is a guy who provides me internet and I'm not quite sure about the company
one more thing Im not sure about it tho, I think the company is fiberish broadband or something cause thats the name it displays on the internet speed test website
hold up ill give you a link you can fill that up and it will give us your public IP so we can trace it down
Google Docs
Riot Games - Latency issues form
In order to do a deep dive into your latency issues we need more details from your ISP, please go to and fill this form with your details
I will get response here and can check it out if we are not sure what or who is the provider
thanks man
I've sumbitted the form, I'm hoping this issue gets resolved because it's really annoying
hmm the ip address you put seems to be in some weird format try this one and let me know the ipv4 but not here please direct message me or fill the form again
soo any updates?
this is going to take more than a few minutes or hours to figure out my friend, keep you posted