$getRecord() in a form changes when I click on an action button or a relation manager tab

Hi, I'm trying to create a custom field as explained here: https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/fields/custom#custom-field-classes From the generated view, if I dump record like that:
<div x-data="{ state: $wire.$entangle('{{ $getStatePath() }}') }">
<!-- Interact with the `state` property in Alpine.js -->


<div x-data="{ state: $wire.$entangle('{{ $getStatePath() }}') }">
<!-- Interact with the `state` property in Alpine.js -->


It works fine, until I click on a button launching a modal or a Tab switching to a different RelationManager below the form. The record seems to be emptied, and the code in custom field can't access to the record anymore unless I refresh the page... Is it normal? And what could I do?
1 Reply
charlieOP6d ago
Solution: Adding wire:ignore to the parent div seems to do the trick! Unfortunately, adding wire:ignore prevents field to refresh (it makes sense)... I solved it querying model again:
Not ideal, but surprisingly id keeps working unlike other attributes. I'm curious about the reason behind this behaviour, and better alternatives if any
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