I am not seeing the option of tenants in the latest 2.x version when i start with docker-compose

Also i added the multi tenancy flag as shown in the image in all service
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10 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain4mo ago
@mohanrao8780 tenants are not supported in 2.x docker images
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barnea4mo ago
Hi @mohanrao8780 we are going to add multi tenancy soon, can you share what are the main things you are looking to solve with this?
mohanrao8780OP4mo ago
Hi @Tomer Barnea and @Pawan Jain we are trying use multi tenancy feature of novu to send notifications. Also is there any documentation at what all level the multi tenancy is supported like subscribers level and workflow level also ?
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barnea4mo ago
Thanks @mohanrao8780 . Is there a specific pain point you are looking for with multi tenancy? Subscribers isolation? Layout and branding? Inject tenant data? override preference? Override workflow definition? Something else? @Pawan Jain can you share any docs?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain4mo ago
Tenants - Novu
Learn all about Tenants
mohanrao8780OP4mo ago
@Tomer Barnea yes all of those @Tomer Barnea @Pawan Jain currently subscribers isolation is not managed i believe. how do we support it ? Do you see any issue in it ?
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barnea4mo ago
Hi @mohanrao8780. You are correct, right now for usability (trigger, soft seperation) you can combine them with topics. This will allow you to target subscribers under a tenant using a corosponding topic. We are looking to revamp this capability. Subscribers isolation? Layout and branding? Inject tenant data will be part of it, and override preference is also likely; I am not sure about the Override workflow with the tenant-based variant. This is planned to be released end of Dec.
mohanrao8780OP4mo ago
@Tomer Barnea also i see organizations. how it is different than tenant ?. Also do you have reference of performance benchmarks of Novu?
Novu_Bot4mo ago
@mohanrao8780, you just advanced to level 1!
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barnea4mo ago
@mohanrao8780 organizations are a complete separation, you can use that, and you will achieve subscriber separation. But the following will also be true: - API keys are not shared. - Workflows are not shared. - Organization admin and members are not shared. This is a good option if you have full back-office services to manage this type of solution, or if you only manage a handful of enterprise clients/external facing internal customers/internal projects. Based on what you wrote above, I assume the first two make more sense. Is that the case? I need to understand your usage pattern before I can answer. Are you planning to use Inbox? Are you planning to send less than 1M, 1M-5M, 5M-25M, 25M+ events a month? Will you use topics? Are preferences going to be used? Share with me whatever you can so I can share some insights.

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