Disable back button for wizard on modal

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3 Replies
Alexandre4mo ago
Hi. You have this method : ->previousAction() So you can try that : ->previousAction(fn (Action $action): Action => $action->extraAttributes(['class' => 'hidden'])) Cf. https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/discussions/9942#discussioncomment-7702242
How hide next Action in wizard? · filamentphp filament · Discussion...
How can I hide the next button in the wizard? I tested with the following code, but it didn't work. Wizard::make() ->schema([ $this->getStepOne(), $this->getStepTwo(), $this->getSte...
NothingToSayOP4mo ago
there's no previousAction on steps https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/actions/modals#using-a-wizard-as-a-modal-form i also tried making it into form([ Wizard::make([])->previousAction(fn (Action $action): Action => $action->extraAttributes(['class' => 'hidden'])) ]) and im getting an error
toeknee4mo ago
That's really interesting actually, we do have previousAction but not in steps as you suggested. I would just target it with some CSS. Or do a Pr to add modifyWizard or similar.

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