Accessing filesystem of one service through another
Hi, I have two services A and B. I want to access and modify the filesystem in Service A through Service B. How do I accomplish this?
Essentially this:
1. curl -X post serviceb.url/write-files
2. Files in Service A are modified
3. Profit
16 Replies
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you would need to build that functionality into your code
Can I somehow colocate A and B on the same machine? I won't have access to the code inside A
yeah you could, but that comes with its own set of challenges
happy to take those on if I have to - unless you think there is a smarter way to accomplish this
essentially I want to run someones npm run dev -> embed it through an iframe -> modify code over API
that sounds like a security nightmare
live and die by the sword I guess
why run a development server anyway? that's costly and comes with its own issues
I'm trying to do dev environments for customers and want hot reload enabled
prompt to modify code stuff but with your actual code
respectfully, I think you need to rethink this project, specifically so that you can easily run it on railway
As in this will be death to run on railway?
railway or anywhere
I mean it's obv not ideal but is really that bad apart from it being a hassle and costly running dev?
it's more than that, from my perspective it seems like the project is chalked full of bad practices.
Lol this is exactly what I did in one of my projects just because Railway doesn't support shared volumes.
I have service A running as an API server that is only exposed to the PRIVATE network within Railway, which itself modifies its own volume contents.
Service B literally just calls service A through the private network and passes in any files or whatever configuration to B's API and modify it from there.
Service A is also exposed to the PUBLIC network through another PORT (since Railway now supports exposing multiple ports) and is read-only.