Question about pubg converter
Hello, I want to ask if it is worth buying a pubg converter to connect a mouse and keyboard to this device and then via bluetooth to my device.
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Hello, @krasi_xx! The use of peripherical devices is not supported in PUBG MOBILE while playing on any handheld touch device. Please play the game normally using the normal touch controls.
9 Replies
Hello, @krasi_xx! The use of peripherical devices is not supported in PUBG MOBILE while playing on any handheld touch device. Please play the game normally using the normal touch controls.
Is it bannable or just not allowed? I just got bored of playing on touch
Won’t work. Why would you even want to play keyboard and mouse on phone lmao
just play the pc version then, or you can use blue stacks I think
It did worked lol
Yeah it is bannable. Even using third party for a controller
I made a whole game trigger set that makes it a keyboard
I did played and did not get banned, anyways it's hard to play so I'm sticking out with touch
skill issue
they def thought i was using aijbot