Input simulation help
I'm trying to make an input action to perform a hotkey combination for
, but I can't seem to get it to work. I looked at the keycodes in enigo and still can't get it to trigger.
What I have tried:
65 Replies
I'm not sure if commas work
let me have a look, one sec
the p means press, the c means click (press and release) and the r means releaseThat didn't work either
try with Meta and F12 instead of lowercase
It must have something to do with the keycode for the meta key because I can't even simulate it to open the launcher. Letter casing doesn't seem to make a difference.
Starting to think this might not be an issue with the formatting. Just tried
[t("hello world")]
and it didn't do anythingoh
maybe check ~/.var/app/me.amankhanna.opendeck/config/opendeck/plugins/com.amansprojects.starterpack.sdPlugin/plugin.log
and also try on Xorg if you're on Wayland
21:18:03 [ERROR] Failed to initialise plugin: IO error: failed to lookup address information: No address associated with hostname
do you have a firewall running?
No. It might be an issue with my system config. I'll look into it
check the main opendeck logs as well
you can press open log directory in the opendeck settings page
Nothing useful in that log. Just logs for extracting zips
also check if you can
ping localhost:57116
and if other plugins workping: localhost:57116: Name or service not known
I tried downloading other plugins and it crashed
after restarting it, some of them work
how about
or ping [::1]:57116
if either of those work, that would explain some of the plugins working
and it would suggest your system host config has an issueFYI: At my System also neither of these Pings are working.
but the starter pack plugin does work for you right?
I didn't get the Input simulation working yet but the Run command is working with the basic command "gnome-terminal".
yeah, this issue stops the whole plugin from working
Just meant because the ping isn't working.
mm ok, I'll check the ping on my system too
you compile from source right?
I have the opendeck-git installed with tauri-cli 2 from arch.
hmm ok, that package has been broken since 2.1.1 (excluding) so you are a bit out of date

this is my version at the moment
I can update to the newest if you like
you can't
the arch package is broken since 2.2.0* as I said
do you know why it is broken?
taurcli-2.x breaks app on Arch · Issue #28 · ninjadev64/OpenDeck
Hello! When we try to build opendeck on Arch using the AUR package we're catching failures because tauri.conf.json was built using version 1.6.x standards but the Arch version of tauri-cli is n...
as far as I understand it it should work with deno-git, shouldn't it?
deno-git is also out of date/broken with Deno v2 but the person in that issue has adopted that package to hopefully fix it
ok so the command was wrong, can you try
nc -vz localhost 57116
insteaddo you know the command to verify the installed deno version?
(or if your system doesn't have nc/netcat try
nmap -p 57116 localhost
or telnet localhost 57116
can we move to the arch thread for this pleasenow its working

no problem
cool, @SuperiorJT should try it to help fix their issue
I tried doing a run command as well and that doesn't work
wht exactly did you put into the run command?
in which of the both boxes?
key down
and kitty is working in the normal terminal?
what is your Version of Opendeck? and which OS are you using?
it won't, the entire plugin isn't working
OpenDeck v2.2.1 (e9ea53e) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
I'm on Arch 6.11.6-arch1-1
are you using wayland or x11?
could you try to switch to x11 and see if it works?
The plugin is not initialising
Switching to X11 will not help
Is there a way to get more verbose logs?
can you send your
?oh lmao
try add localhost
as well as ::1 localhost
also try this that works
you were right, it was an issue with your system config
I was able to get the run command working
but the input simulation is still not working
check this file again maybe?
and now you can try xorg
yeah sounds like a wayland bug
it works on x11
I've just looked into it a bit deeper, and it seems the enigo library has experimental wayland support
with both native wayland protocols and libei
so maybe when they stabilise it, this will be finally resolved good and proper
Are you able to just enable the wayland feature in the build? I could play around with getting it to work on a local build if it's too much trouble.
local build should be easy enough as it's just the plugin that needs to be built, not the whole app
I'll try to get something tonight. If it ends up working, I'll submit a pr
you'd just need to replace the executable that you have already with the one you built
I'd probably wait for it to be stable in the library, because from my experience with it, it appears to work on one system and completely breaks on others, even when it's "stable"
when it is stable all i'd need to do is add "wayland" or "libei" to the features list, so it doesn't really require a whole PR
Figured I'll dredge up this topic.
Is it normal for Input Simulation to only work while the application in question is in focus?
This is on Wayland btw.
It's also pretty sluggish in general, sometimes I gotta tap the button several times before VTube Studio picks it up.
Wayland ^
The Enigo Wayland/libei support is marked as unstable and placed behind feature flags
You could build the starter pack yourself with the feature flags
Fair enough.
It's a shame cause the web hook stuff works pretty well.
It just doesn't cover everything I need from it.
I'll keep this is mind.
For now, I'll continue using my actual num pad.
In the end, I didn't even need the inputs.
The web socket requests were what I needed.