How to get value from JS generated radio component
hi everyone;
I have a wizard with a text-Input
after every keypress the value is sent to an API, the return JSON builds a HTML table with a Radio input so the user can select.
so far, so good, but I'm not able to get the value of the selected radio-Item into my PHP, I can read it in JS, write into log, but it end there.
here is the validation I'm trying to do. The LOG shows, that the function is called, but I can't get the value
->beforeValidation(function () {
that's my function
public function MyFunction()
Log::info('MeineFunktion wurde vor der Validierung aufgerufen.');
$selectedTopicId = data_get($this->form->getState(), 'selectedNewTopicPermission'); // this doesn't work this is how the relevant part of the table is generated row1.innerHTML =
$selectedTopicId = data_get($this->form->getState(), 'selectedNewTopicPermission'); // this doesn't work this is how the relevant part of the table is generated row1.innerHTML =
<td class="text-xs" rowspan="2">
<input type="radio" name="SelectedTopicPermission" value="${item.topic_is_allowed_for_someones_id}" onclick="updateSelectedTopicId(${item.topic_is_allowed_for_someones_id})">
<td class="text-xs">${item.topic_name}</td>
<td class="text-xs">${item.provider_name}</td>
<td class="text-xs">${item.consumer_name}</td>
tried something with onclick(), to move the value to a hidden filament component, with no luck. Is it possible to read that radio value direct?
I have no idea.
Thx for listening, any help appreciated:
Best regards
PeterSolution:Jump to solution
thanks for the hint,I will have a look at it. For now I solved this special task by writing the data (it's ONE number) to a cookie and reading it in php.
3 Replies
interesting: while trying to find a livewire solution I get this:
Public property [$selectedTopicId] not found on component: [menu-logins]
there is no component of that name, the word doesn't exist in my source code.
had been trying this:
window.updateSelectedTopicId = function(topicId) {
console.log("setze jetzt Selected Topic ID über Livewire auf:", topicId);
const livewireComponentId = document.querySelector('[wire\:id]').getAttribute('wire:id'); if (!livewireComponentId) { console.error("Livewire-Komponente nicht gefunden."); return; }
const livewireComponent = Livewire.find(livewireComponentId); livewireComponent.set('selectedTopicId', topicId); // Setzt den Wert von 'selectedTopicId' in Livewire console.log("Selected Topic ID über Livewire gesetzt auf:", topicId); };
console.log("setze jetzt Selected Topic ID über Livewire auf:", topicId);
const livewireComponentId = document.querySelector('[wire\:id]').getAttribute('wire:id'); if (!livewireComponentId) { console.error("Livewire-Komponente nicht gefunden."); return; }
const livewireComponent = Livewire.find(livewireComponentId); livewireComponent.set('selectedTopicId', topicId); // Setzt den Wert von 'selectedTopicId' in Livewire console.log("Selected Topic ID über Livewire gesetzt auf:", topicId); };
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thanks for the hint,I will have a look at it. For now I solved this special task by writing the data (it's ONE number) to a cookie and reading it in php.