Custom Field: Using Form Components
As the title says, i want make use of filament components like a select, inside my custom filament field, how can i achieve that?
i tried using HasForm Contract , and InteractsWithForm but it wasn't successful.
any suggestions?
5 Replies
If it's a custom field, just extend the original and add whatever custom logic you are using.
i need to have a something like a form, and use a combination of filament form components.
i've succeeded at making what i want, but i'm not sure if it's the right approach.
and in the field view:
why would you like to add a field inside custom field?
i'm making an invoice page, and in the section where the user should add products i want it to be something like in this image below.
I thought that the default filament repeater wouldn't do it, so i thought of making it a field, since i'll be using it also for quotes, invoices etc.
any better suggestions, i may be taking a wrong path here

maybe table repeater?