Nuxt4mo ago

How to pass data from middleware to the redirected page

I would like to pass the collected data from the API call that is middleware as "props" in the navigateTo page I redirect to so I don't have to make 2 identical queries.
3 Replies
kapa.ai4mo ago
Hi @Tandler. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- To pass data from middleware to a redirected page in Nuxt, you can use the state option of the navigateTo function. However, it's important to note that this approach has some limitations and there are better alternatives available. Let me explain: 1. Using navigateTo with state: You can pass data to the redirected page using the state option of navigateTo in your middleware:
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
const data = // ... your API call result
return navigateTo('/redirected-page', {
state: { myData: data }
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
const data = // ... your API call result
return navigateTo('/redirected-page', {
state: { myData: data }
Then, in your redirected page component, you can access this data using history.state:
<script setup>
const data = ref(null)

onMounted(() => {
data.value = history.state.myData

if (!data.value) {
// Fetch data from API if it doesn't exist

// Clear the state after accessing it
const { myData, ...currentState } = history.state
window.history.replaceState({ ...currentState }, '')
<script setup>
const data = ref(null)

onMounted(() => {
data.value = history.state.myData

if (!data.value) {
// Fetch data from API if it doesn't exist

// Clear the state after accessing it
const { myData, ...currentState } = history.state
window.history.replaceState({ ...currentState }, '')
However, this approach has limitations: - It doesn't persist across page reloads - It's not SSR-friendly - It's not the recommended way in Vue Router (which Nuxt uses) Stack Overflow: Pass dynamic object data via nuxt-link to component (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78252026) 2. Better alternatives: Instead of passing data through navigation state, consider these Nuxt-specific approaches: a. Use useState in your middleware to set shared state:
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, from) => {
const data = await $fetch('/api/your-endpoint')
useState('myData', () => data)
return navigateTo('/redirected-page')
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, from) => {
const data = await $fetch('/api/your-endpoint')
useState('myData', () => data)
return navigateTo('/redirected-page')
Then in your component:
<script setup>
const myData = useState('myData')
<script setup>
const myData = useState('myData')
Nuxt Docs: useState (https://nuxt.com/docs/api/composables/use-state) b. Use useAsyncData or useFetch in your component: Instead of fetching in middleware, fetch directly in your component:
<script setup>
const { data } = await useAsyncData('myData', () => $fetch('/api/your-endpoint'))
<script setup>
const { data } = await useAsyncData('myData', () => $fetch('/api/your-endpoint'))
This approach is SSR-friendly and automatically handles caching and state transfer from server to client. Nuxt Docs: useAsyncData (https://nuxt.com/docs/api/composables/use-async-data) These methods are more aligned with Nuxt's data fetching patterns and provide better SSR support and performance optimizations. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai4mo ago
<@429731753742303252> Kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let me know how I did by reacting below.
TandlerOP4mo ago
Neither of those work

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