Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'endsWith')

Y try to push this in my supabase database
export const user_provider_topics = pgTable( 'influencer_topics', { uuid: uuid().defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(), topic: text().notNull(), created_at: timestamp('created_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), updated_at: timestamp('updated_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), }, (table) => { return { userProviderTopicUuidUnique: unique('user_provider_topic_uuid_unique').on( table.uuid ), } } )
but i recivied this errorNo config path provided, using default 'drizzle.config.ts'
Reading config file '/Users/lauti/Documents/pich-monorepo/drizzle.config.ts' Using 'postgres' driver for database querying [⡿] Pulling schema from database... /Users/lauti/Documents/pich-monorepo/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:20568 if (column7.column_default.endsWith("[]")) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'endsWith') at defaultForColumn (/Users/lauti/Documents/pich-monorepo/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:20568:34) at /Users/lauti/Documents/pich-monorepo/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:20168:36 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
18 Replies
lautiOP4mo ago
@Andrii Sherman any idea? @rphlmr ⚡ im using this version "drizzle-orm": "^0.36.0", and this for the kit "drizzle-kit": "^0.27.1",
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
Hello 👋 I can find where it happens in drizzle-kit. @Andrew Sherman it's on defaultForColumn in pgSerializer. We are testing for column.column_default === null but it doesn't catch undefined (should be column.column_default == null)
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman4mo ago
Working on a fix for it column_default should never be an undefined there is no such type in database @lauti to reproduce it, I would need to know - did you have anything in your database before pushing? I suppose yes. Please send me all the tables you had in a database(just structure) it will help me to find why default in your case was undefined I suppose it's only Supabase related
lautiOP4mo ago
sure export const userTable = pgTable( 'user', { uuid: uuid('uuid').defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(), email: text('email').notNull(), fullName: text('full_name').notNull(), createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), paid: boolean('paid').default(false).notNull(), avatarUrl: text('avatar_url'), requestLimit: integer('request_limit').default(5).notNull(), }, (table) => { return { userEmailUnique: unique('user_email_unique').on(, } } ) export const influencerProviderTopics = pgTable( 'influencer_provider_topics', { uuid: uuid('uuid').defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(), topic: text('topic').notNull(), createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), }, (table) => ({ influencerProviderTopicsUuidUnique: unique('influencer_provider_topics_uuid_unique').on( table.uuid ), }) ) export const providerInfluencers = pgTable( 'provider_influencers', { uuid: uuid('uuid').defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(), workPlatformId: uuid('work_platform_id').notNull(), workPlatformName: text('work_platform_name').notNull(), workPlatformLogoUrl: text('work_platform_logo_url').notNull(), platformUsername: text('platform_username').notNull(), externalId: text('external_id').notNull(), url: text('url').notNull(), imageUrl: text('image_url'), fullName: text('full_name'), introduction: text('introduction'), isVerified: boolean('is_verified').default(false).notNull(), platformAccountType: text('platform_account_type'), gender: text('gender'), ageGroup: text('age_group'), language: text('language'), followerCount: integer('follower_count'), subscriberCount: integer('subscriber_count'), contentCount: integer('content_count'), engagementRate: numeric('engagement_rate'), averageLikes: integer('average_likes'), averageViews: integer('average_views'), creatorLocationCity: text('creator_location_city'), creatorLocationState: text('creator_location_state'), creatorLocationCountry: text('creator_location_country'), contactDetailType: text('contact_detail_type'), topicUuid: uuid('topic_uuid').references(() => influencerProviderTopics.uuid, { onDelete: 'set null', }), createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), }, (table) => { return { providerInfluencersUuidUnique: unique('provider_influencers_uuid_unique').on(table.uuid), } } ) export const influencer_topic = pgTable( 'influencer_topic', { uuid: uuid('uuid').defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(), influencerUuid: uuid('influencer_uuid') .references(() => providerInfluencers.uuid, { onDelete: 'cascade' }) .notNull(), topicUuid: uuid('topic_uuid') .references(() => influencerProviderTopics.uuid, { onDelete: 'cascade' }) .notNull(), createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', { mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(), }, (table) => ({ influencerTopicUuidUnique: unique('influencer_topic_uuid_unique').on(table.uuid), }) ) the error comes when i tried to push or pull influencerProviderTopics then I downloaded these versions “drizzle-kit”: “^0.24.0”, “drizzle-orm”: “^0.33.0” and the error didn't appear but I got this new error error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase') @Andrew Sherman @Raphaël M (@rphlmr) ⚡ I hope this information will help you
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
ok I know why now @lauti does your connection string uses the port 6543? (Supabase Transaction mode)
lautiOP4mo ago
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
can you try with 5432 (session mode) You can have an 'env' you use only in your Drizzle config (I have MIGRATION_DATABASE_URL with the connection string using port 5432).
lautiOP4mo ago
sure, but the mode of the db cause this error? why? TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'endsWith')
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
Because 6543 is a special mode for serverless (client open and close a connection on each transactions) and 5432 is a "stable" connection 6543 is a Supabase thing with Supavisor (their pooler) I would even advise using a direct connection for migrations/push, etc. postgresql://postgres:[YOUR-PASSWORD]@db.[PROJECT-ID]
lautiOP4mo ago
ohh okey make sense... i'll try with this port
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman4mo ago
I'm pushing a few fixes for policies we had and then will double-check if I can reproduce your issue
lautiOP4mo ago
perfect thanks can u show me how the config would be? because if i add session mode all my app is in session mode.. @Raphaël M (@rphlmr) ⚡ I have not found the solution in the documents
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
in your supabase dashboard, you can select the mode to display
No description
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
Then you copy this string. It should be the same as your previous string, only the port changes.
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
No description
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
I would suggest adding another environment to your project just for drizzle.config. For your app, use what is best depending on your server.
lautiOP4mo ago
Yes I understood that, but how should be the connection to supabase in the drizzle configuration? In my local I use session mode and in production I use transaction mode? @Raphaël M (@rphlmr) ⚡
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡4mo ago
What's in your drizzle.config is only for drizzle-kit (push, pull, migrate, introspect). This one needs to be on 5432. ___ For your app, your drizzle() client, it depends on your production platform. For example, port 6543 doesn't allow prepared queries and requires pg or postgres drivers to disable this feature. But this is the go to for serverless target (vercel, azure function, etc). If you deploy on or Digital Ocean long running server, you can choose 5432. (

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