mfad4mo ago

Closet/Clothes Cleanout

How do you clean out your closet and purge old clothes? How do you determine which pieces you want to get rid of? At what point is an article worth selling vs donating? When does it make sense to sell vs donate? I’m especially interested in your thoughts on Q3. I have a lot of decent quality clothes i want to rid of, but I’m curious where you personally draw the line for sell vs donate.
14 Replies
shuvi4mo ago
Honestly I mostly just get rid of stuff I find I don't wear or don't like all that much kind of subjective but I don't think theres much of a better answer than that If you don't wear it often, and there isn't a specific reason you want to keep it, or theres a reasno you don't like it, then get rid of it
Soup4mo ago
1. Do I still wear this item? if not when was the last time I wore it and why haven't I worn it since. Do I want to wear it again? That helps me determine if I want to keep an item or not. 2. In terms of whether to donate or sell, for me that comes down to whether or not the value I can sell something for is worth the effort of selling it. If not then I'll donate it.
shuvi4mo ago
I sell clothes that I think can actually sell, but as Soup just said, if its not worth the money and effort then just donate it If its a mall brand or something I generally don't think you can sell it for much at all
calla4mo ago
the way i do it is that i set a max amount of a certain item and i cull down to that number
shuvi4mo ago
i do that too lol but only for boots since I'm very much into to leather boots/make my own have a rough personal limit of 14 pairs
calla4mo ago
i try to offer clothing to friends over donating it so for the things i like but don't wear i get to vicariously live thru them
Yakkeks4mo ago
Yeah, I usually offer stuff that some friends might be into to them first before selling. The exception are vintage purchases that I bought, realized were not for me quite quickly and try to resell to get my money back
raisinpie4mo ago
If I don't wear it I get rid of it. If it's a nicer piece I like to figure out why I don't like it first. If it's something I can change, I might start wearing it more. Clothes generally have terrible resell value and take a long time to move. If something's worth enough money that I'm ok letting it sit for multiple months, then I would sell it. places like Buffalo exchange or crossroads are also good for exchanging stuff that's too nice to donate but not good enough to sell.
anasthesia-4mo ago
lol i just did a big ol clothing swap yesterday
miaiye4mo ago
there is a lot of ramp up to selling, if you haven't done it. it's a lot of time and effort from a purely dollars standpoint, you'd be better picking up a gig job (assuming you can)
RaggieOP4mo ago
Good discussion and feedback, thanks! I agree with all points above, although strangely donating to friends first never crossed my mind. I plan on trying that this winter as i cull my closet. as for selling- that’s what I figured. Especially in my case, as I’m starting to upgrade pieces many of my old pieces aren’t worth much, especially as many of them are mall brands (thanks grandma!)
Soup4mo ago
One other point, if I have some old items that I don't think are even worth donating. I'll keep them for use as rags, usually for cleaning bikes or boots or something similar
zeometer4mo ago
i usually have an ongoing culling with my partner - once we've accrued enough stuff to purge (either bcause it doesn't fit or doesn't suit me or because it's not worth the cost of repair/upkeep) we do so for donate vs sell i usually accept that the clothes i like have little resell value so i try to buy them as cheaply as possible and then either donate them, use the fabric for something else, or maybe sell on ebay if it's something worthwhile i think the actual best strategy is in looking at how you buy clothes - holding off on impulse buys and only buying what you like, but also trying to not be so attached that it's difficult to let go if need be
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock4mo ago
I had a pretty massive cleanout over the last two years of all clothes I've gotten since I was like a pre-teen. I think that I unironically culled my closet on 75%. Like I cut it down so much I actually need to buy new stuff rn. My very first step was putting everything on and seeing how/if they fit me. If I didn't like it, if it was too small, if it grabbed my curves too much, if my binder straps showed, etc. it would go to the sell/donate/PJs drawer.

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