Postizβ€’3mo ago

Ticket: Can't login to Postiz on Raspberry Pi setup

@mops Just created a ticket
Question: Hey :) Cannot login into postiz. I installed postiz on my raspberry pi via docker compose (portainer) and configurated the ssl via nginx. So its reachable with https and has a ssl certification. I used your docker compose and edit it with my url, password etc. I can reach the site, can create an account (at the login it says "Email already exists", when I want to create a new login with the same email adress), but cannot login. After the login it refreshes the site and im not logged in. Do you know what the problem could be? Respberry Pi 4b with 8GB RAM Docker installed Portainer and Nginx Proxy Manager Thank you and best regards
Attempted: a few configurations in nginx proxy manager, deinstall, reinstall
Working On: That I can use postiz ;D
Take it from here @Postiz
37 Replies
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’3mo ago
hi @mops ! Postiz works only on localhost, or https πŸ™‚ We use secured cookies
mopsβ€’3mo ago
Hey @Nevo David yes, its reachable via https and has a ssl cert πŸ™‚
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’3mo ago
Do you use like an ip with ssl? or do you have a domain
xconsβ€’3mo ago
@mops do you know how to open your browser's web developer console? F12 on most systems, or you can find it from the menus Open that up. Are there any error messages? If so, screenshot for us please
SupportOPβ€’3mo ago
Hi @mops this thread is closed for now, please open a new one if you need more help
xconsβ€’3mo ago
Silly bot. Reopened.
mopsβ€’3mo ago
Hey @Nevo David and @xcons thank you for reopening πŸ™‚ @Nevo David : I am using Nginx Proxy Manager for SSL and a duckdns domain. So if I want to open the postiz site I have to type "https://postiz.....duckdns.org" And it has a SSL cert from Lets Encrypt. @xcons : If I use the web developer console it shows me: "The cookie "auth" was rejected due to invalid domain." But I have a valid domain secured with SSL? What did I do wrong? πŸ˜…
Messias Junior
Messias Juniorβ€’3mo ago
Im having the exact same issue. I recorded a video, can I send it here?
Messias Junior
Messias Juniorβ€’3mo ago
It has SSL set up with a domain. It does not log in and no error message is thrown on browser console nor docker image logs
zapoqxβ€’3mo ago
If I could up this issue, I would. What Balorg has is the same issue. I almost thought about trying to see if I use an older version of Postiz to see if it works or not.
xconsβ€’3mo ago
Heya both, thanks for being patient Are you all using Nginx Proxy Manager? I don't see any error messages in this video weirdly What do your docker logs postiz-app show? ah, hmm, nothingin the logs
zapoqxβ€’3mo ago
well I'm on Synology and as far as I'm aware, I'm unsure of the proxy manager method Synology's native one is using. but I have used Synology's reverse proxy to test with Raspberry Pi and it did the same thing.
mopsβ€’3mo ago
I am using Nginx Proxy Manager, yes
Messias Junior
Messias Juniorβ€’2mo ago
I am Is there some kind of verbose mode where we can have more logs?
zapoqxβ€’2mo ago
Very much this. It would help quite a bit. I've unfortunately haven't seen this much "Something Happened" since Windows 10's Beta/RC install days.
mopsβ€’2mo ago
Hey @Nevo David, @xcons and all :), are there any news for this problem or do you need more infos? No stress, just asking πŸ™‚
xconsβ€’2mo ago
Heya, sorry, we've been pretttttty busy πŸ˜› There isn't any verbose mode with new logs yet, we need to add more log messages for sure Can you share your NPM configs? I'd like to try and reproduce this if I can and make sure you're on the latest container images
zapoqxβ€’2mo ago
@xcons problem is that what he is experiencing is the same as I mentioned on my post. there isn't an error it just refreshes. Hence the verbose mode comment because it would help alot more to know why submit = refresh the page to see what the interaction is doing.
xconsβ€’2mo ago
So it sounds like your browser isn't sending the login cookie If you could record a video as well, and show the cookies tab of your browser console after you try and login, that would confirm it
zapoqxβ€’2mo ago
@xcons I would if I could see that properly, but honestly, I would just be duplicating verbadum to what BalroG posted https://discord.com/channels/1243410146097500202/1303035017446031492/1304489871171256463 there is no difference If it was about a security thing such as valid certificate, I can say that is perfectly fine. At least if that was an issue, I'd assume an error would show somewhere.
xconsβ€’2mo ago
Okay, do you have any cookies actually set on your postiz site? You should have a cookie called "auth" if you try and login Is there anything in the container logs?
zapoqxβ€’2mo ago
I see site data get added, but no cookie added when trying to login. In the container logs, nothing shows/gets added to the time frame even when looked at live. This is why we wanted more verbose cause nothing is acknowledged in the logs. There is no additional log entries other than the server running (and the long preceeding acknowledgement of everything working).
zapoqxβ€’2mo ago
No description
ButtonBashβ€’2w ago
@zapoqx Did you manage to fix this? I'm getting the same error, Cookie β€œauth” has been rejected for invalid domain I have a correctly HTTPS'd Reverse Proxy @xcons if I take a look at the POST login request, the domain listed is:
(see pic) even though obviously my URL is
- could be the "invalid domain" AKA postiz not accounting for sub subdomains? Might be nothing, I'm not great at this stuff Many thanks!
No description
ButtonBashβ€’2w ago
Some more info, that request is returning true when I put in my correct user/pass (and false otherwise like it should), but yes - that login cookie is being rejected due to that "invalid domain" so we go nowhere when hitting login Doing some research it appears nested subdomains should just work and that response should be valid for anything.at.all.whatever.you.like.synology.me So must be something else!
zapoqxβ€’2w ago
no. There was a comment in another post about certificate for the HTTPS and at the same time period, there was a different project I was dealing with where a company outright said that to do a whitelabel hosted domain, I would need to provide a certificate and it can't use Let's Encrypt. Its the only thing left that I'm not about to pay $50 - $150 on a "test" case to see if it would work.
m4rkβ€’5d ago
@ButtonBash @zapoqx this error happens with some subdomains, I have added a pull request on the GitHub this includes ddns.net ,synology.me and some others You can check https://github.com/gitroomhq/postiz-app/pull/531
Update all.two.level.subdomain.ts by mbi001 Β· Pull Request #531 Β· g...
added .ddns.net and .com.de subdomains What kind of change does this PR introduce? this should solve the login loops while using domains with .ddns.net and .com.de Why was this change needed? Pleas...
m4rkβ€’5d ago
Also if you place your domain to : postiz.homenet.lan And edit the host files on your machines , you will be able to access it on your local network using any pc.
m4rkβ€’5d ago
HowTo Self Host Postiz on Ubuntu (on Proxmox VE)
This blog is about security and computing related topics with occassional hobby activities thrown in.
m4rkβ€’5d ago
Let me know if this helps
zapoqxβ€’4d ago
Ok, wait, so if that is to apply in the future, it needs to be basically added if its 2-level subdomian? Wowza. gonna do some changes right now to test that. yep. Can confirm, that fixes the issue. as @m4rk pointed out, it is about the subdomain. using another domain I have and giving postiz temporary its own subdomain it worked.
ukroβ€’4d ago
@zapoqx omg omg omg please can you ellaborate on it? what was before when there was an error and what and where exactly you changed. with much ❀️
zapoqxβ€’4d ago
What he is referring to... those on 2nd level subdomain (i.e. subsub.subdomain.domain.com ) the login routine is stopping at the primary subdomain (i.e. subdomain.domain.com ). According to @m4rk, it is happening on SOME 2-level subdomains so it just needed to be whitelisted. In my case as per his instructions, I switched to something that I owned and gave postiz its own subdomain making a primary subdomain and gave it the certificate to validate from Let's Encrypt and it immediately logged in without issue.
ukroβ€’4d ago
So you had postiz.subdomain.domain.com and you changet it to postiz.domain.com and it just workπŸ™?
zapoqxβ€’4d ago
yep just that simple
ukroβ€’4d ago
Omgggggggggg you are kidding will try this week! ❀️ !!!! @zapoqx Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! It's working :))))) ❀️

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