Style every page element in seperate css file

Hello I've seen tutorial in youtube ,the guy did a YouTube clone which he styled page elements separately for example : header.css , nav.css , general.css , video.css My question is it a good practice to do so ,is it professional ,does it slow the website?
31 Replies
ἔρως5mo ago
it really depends on how it is implemented having multiple files is and isn't bad - it depends on how it is used
ilyesOP5mo ago
More explaining please?
ἔρως5mo ago
are those files bundled? are those files @imported by a general file? are those files put in multiple <link> tags? are those files minified? is there repeated code between files? are those files used with media queries?
ilyesOP5mo ago
He used link
ilyesOP5mo ago
No description
ἔρως5mo ago
that's not bad would be a lot better if it was bundled and minified, but well, there's nothing wrong with that implementation
ilyesOP5mo ago
Im sorry but how can they be bundled
ἔρως5mo ago
with vite or webpack vite is the better choice now-a-days
snxxwyy5mo ago
sorry to jump in, is there any negatives with having a global.css file @import all of them?
ilyesOP5mo ago
ἔρως5mo ago
yes: each @import is a new file transfer and each download is done one after the other instead of doing in paralel and it does while the dom is being rendered that can slow down the page quite a lot imagine waiting to render your website because google fonts is being slow (or an alternative, if you want to follow gdpr)
Were any build tools involved? Many build tools will combine all the CSS files into 1. In that situation, having many files will let you organize while still avoiding the slight delay caused by fetching many files, because the built version only actually has 1.
snxxwyy5mo ago
oh hm, that's the way i do it haha, what's the most optimised way?
ἔρως5mo ago
not doing that multiple links or a bundler
snxxwyy5mo ago
links as in <link>?
ἔρως5mo ago
snxxwyy5mo ago
and does that make it load quicker then or is there a more in depth reason to why that's better? perhaps things like preload make it better?
ἔρως5mo ago
it means that the browser can download the files in paralel you can try, but i would use it only for images and stuff that's more important
snxxwyy5mo ago
what do you mean by in parallel? ah okay i see
ἔρως5mo ago
at the same time?
snxxwyy5mo ago
oh so @import doesn't do it like that? it does it synchronously? so if one takes a while the others wont download until it's done?
ἔρως5mo ago
it's not synchronously it's sequentially and it's not just sequentially: it also stops the page rendering it literally blocks the page from being rendered
snxxwyy5mo ago
oh so if one takes ages to download it just wont render the page until it's done?
ἔρως5mo ago
snxxwyy5mo ago
oh wow, i didn't know that thank you so until i knew that, i used to import all my files via one and put the main one in a link tag. Is there a similar way to sort of group them into one using link tags so half the html isn't imports haha? is that bundling?
ἔρως5mo ago
you can use a bundler or use <link>
snxxwyy5mo ago
and that's vite or webpack right? and when you say "use <link>", let's say you have 30 different css files, that would be a lot of links which was my concern e.g.
<link ...>
<link ...>
<link ...>
<link ...>
<link ...>
<link ...>
<link ...>
<link ...>
unless you can bundle multiple imports into one link tag?
ἔρως5mo ago
yes, that would be a lot of links but that's why you use a bundler, and let the bundler do it's magic and yes, that would be vite or webpack (there's more, but, those are the most known)
snxxwyy5mo ago
alright, i'll take a look into those, thanks for the info
ἔρως5mo ago
you should just take a look at vite
clevermissfox5mo ago
Its common practice to use CSS Modules with tools like React where you have a css file for each component so they are reusable without having to hunt down all the css for that component in your main stylesheet e.g. style.css . I havent yet adopted this but i havent had a big enough project either. There is also some fancy thing in react when using css modules that it will hash each class so its unique

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