How to make a decent outfit decision based on inspo?
So as I've said before here, I've got a fashion inspiration folder on my Mac that I've been filling up with stuff, mostly from magazines. And as you can see on the right, theres about 112 items in the folder (probably including subfolders, but still).
The volume does make it harder to sort through all the photos and decide which one I'm feeling like, but also sometimes I'm not sure what image to replicate.
So... how can I effectively and easy choose an outfit from my inspo folder?

25 Replies
Not done this for fashion specifically cause I'm an oldie. But I found using an online whiteboard (Miro or MS Whiteboard) was good for visually grouping things and spotting trends, colours, shapes, etc in pictures before. That's what the old inspiration albums on MFA Reddit were like. Just distillations of themes
Eventually you stop copying outfits 1:1, but combine or get influenced by certain things you spot
copying outfits is usually not gr8 bc the person in teh image is not you so it will not live up to whatver expectation you had
so the whole trend spotting and building off of that is prob a better and easier approach for u Sam
Seconding what Nay and meaty said, when I have pictures I've seen that I want to use as inspo it's rarely the case that I try to copy the outfit 1:1.
Mainly I see something cool and think, how could I get the same vibe or how could I recreate something similar with the clothes I own.
To make it easier for you to decide on a direction on a certain day, you could attempt to sort them into folders based on the style of the outfit, i.e. Ivy, Streetwear, American etc
but I'm not sure how useful that would be
for me it's using the inspo to find a motif or theme that i feel really good about trying to replicate (either exactly or interpreted)
Honeslty though, I am terrible at saving any inspo. I will occasionally save stuff or if I see things I really like I'll start saving and throw a post up in
I think most of it just comes from seeing other peoples posts in waywt etc and that building up in my head over time
Ill walk thru 3 examples of how I use inspo, hopefully it'll be helpful.
1. Double-denim: easy to replicate and the brand is accessible for my budget so I'll just recreate this (dog included). 1:1 type inspo.
2. White shirt black jeans: the leather flats, raw hemmed and straight wide black jeans are my two big takeaways here. I can see how both will slot nicely into my existing wardrobe, and how I can use them to expand in new directions.
3. Lemaire suit: the most conceptual level - this rewired my brain and pushed me in a new direction this year. Prohibitively expensive for me, but that's not the point because the inspo here was "holy shit i love this suiting" which is new for me. My wardrobe had nothing that could compliment this style, but I've been moving in a direction more parallel to this fit since it wormed its way into my brain.
Ultimately, inspo is what you make of it. Make a 1:1 copy if that brings you joy. Use runway and think of it like art if that's ur thing. The important part is that you're being mindful about why you're putting something on.

I was gonna type a whole thing up but carrion nailed it
(U should still do it)
Yeh this is great, really putting into writing my own thoughts better than I managed to, and realising I do 1:1 sometimes
BTW soup I'll be invoicing u for all my purchases from TCB k thx bb
I think this may be an expense I'm willing to front on this occasion
I've also been eyeing that type 1 jacket recently
:letsfuckinggo: soup century denim type 1 when
i know thats now what your talking about it would be cool
in terms of using inspiration to make a tangible fit this is a really good read
Always tempted to grab some century honestly, hmmmm much thinking to do now
this is a less concise examination of how to reconcile inspiration with your own self in making a fit -
thats my goat
I'm aiming to try it out later

I spent some time on the bus categorising some of the photos I've got into themes
you can call it whatever, but i think if your looking for more the smart category probably closest alights with a sort of casual oversized tailoring
Ok 🤔
I had one of my outfits called preppy before lol
Is that a direction my outfits are heading towards, especially with all the RL?
Imo if you’re ralph focused you’re trending prep/ivy with a dash of western influence
Ok :linkThink:
I think the next thing I'd want to do it is get this folder organised somehow.

So far I've got folders for stuff I've gotten from Popeye and The Rake.
but not others like waywt.
And it's not organised by style.