Problem with month translation in Filters - related to Carbon?

We have a very interesting issue with months translated through src/Filters/QueryBuilder/Constraints/DateConstraint/Operators/IsMonthOperator.php:getMonths():
protected function getMonths(): array
return collect(range(1, 12))
->mapWithKeys(fn (int $month): array => [
$month => now()->setMonth($month)->getTranslatedMonthName(),
protected function getMonths(): array
return collect(range(1, 12))
->mapWithKeys(fn (int $month): array => [
$month => now()->setMonth($month)->getTranslatedMonthName(),
Result: The list of month is off since a little bit:
array(12) {
string(7) "January"
string(5) "March"
string(5) "March"
string(3) "May"
string(3) "May"
string(4) "July"
string(4) "July"
string(6) "August"
string(7) "October"
string(7) "October"
string(8) "December"
string(8) "December"
array(12) {
string(7) "January"
string(5) "March"
string(5) "March"
string(3) "May"
string(3) "May"
string(4) "July"
string(4) "July"
string(6) "August"
string(7) "October"
string(7) "October"
string(8) "December"
string(8) "December"
However this problem is not related to filament, it seems to be a bug with Carbon, confirmed via the Carbon SandBox:

$months = range(1, 12);

$monthNames = [];

foreach ($months as $month) {
$monthNames[$month] = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->setMonth($month)->getTranslatedMonthName();


$months = range(1, 12);

$monthNames = [];

foreach ($months as $month) {
$monthNames[$month] = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->setMonth($month)->getTranslatedMonthName();

what would work is adding setDay(1). Does anyone have any idea what causes this? Should I open a PR to add this to filament? Carbon Issue:
Translated months names off · Issue #3097 · briannesbitt/Carbon
Hello, I encountered an issue with the following code: foreach (range(1,12) as $month) { echo \Carbon\Carbon::now()->setMonth($month)->getTranslatedMonthName() . '<br>'; } Carbo...
4 Replies
PascaleOP5mo ago
No description
PascaleOP5mo ago
After some digging, this seems to be related to - So basically on the 31st on each month, the month selector filter breaks. I think this deserves a fix in filament itself.
Potentional bug with ->month() && ->setMonth() Overflow vs. noOve...
Hello, I encountered an issue with the following code: $start = Carbon::parse('2021-03-31 23:00:00'); $start->month(4); echo $start; I reckon this should use noOverflow behind the scenes...
awcodes5mo ago
If the issues is in carbon what can filament do about it.?
PascaleOP5mo ago
We can fix it in filament 🙂 Dan already merged my pr

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