RLS - Typesafety

I noticed in the docs the created RLS client doesn't have your schema passed to it, meaning you wouldn't be able to use dbClient.query - docs here: https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/rls Is there a reason for this? In my testing, if you pass the same Database type your usual client returns, you get full functionality. This might just be a docs miss, but want to be sure in case this was done this way for a reason!
Drizzle ORM - Row-Level Security (RLS)
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
2 Replies
LiamOP5mo ago
export function createDrizzle<
Database extends PostgresJsDatabase<typeof schema>, // Note the type here
Token extends SupabaseToken = SupabaseToken,
>(token: Token, { admin, client }: { admin: Database; client: Database }) {
return {
rls: (async (transaction, ...rest) => {
return client.transaction(
async (tx) => {
await tx.execute(sql`
-- auth.uid()
select set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', '${sql.raw(token.sub ?? "")}', TRUE);
await tx.execute(sql`
-- role
set local role postgres;
await tx.execute(sql`
-- role
set local role ${sql.raw(token.role ?? "anon")};

const result = await transaction(tx);
await tx.execute(sql`
-- reset
select set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', NULL, TRUE);
await tx.execute(sql`
-- reset
reset role;
return result;
}) as typeof client.transaction,
export function createDrizzle<
Database extends PostgresJsDatabase<typeof schema>, // Note the type here
Token extends SupabaseToken = SupabaseToken,
>(token: Token, { admin, client }: { admin: Database; client: Database }) {
return {
rls: (async (transaction, ...rest) => {
return client.transaction(
async (tx) => {
await tx.execute(sql`
-- auth.uid()
select set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', '${sql.raw(token.sub ?? "")}', TRUE);
await tx.execute(sql`
-- role
set local role postgres;
await tx.execute(sql`
-- role
set local role ${sql.raw(token.role ?? "anon")};

const result = await transaction(tx);
await tx.execute(sql`
-- reset
select set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', NULL, TRUE);
await tx.execute(sql`
-- reset
reset role;
return result;
}) as typeof client.transaction,
And then an example working query:
return await ctx.rlsDb((tx) =>
where: eq(job.id, input.id),
with: {
location: true,
mainPosition: true,
client: true,
placements: {
with: {
operative: true,
return await ctx.rlsDb((tx) =>
where: eq(job.id, input.id),
with: {
location: true,
mainPosition: true,
client: true,
placements: {
with: {
operative: true,
Angelelz5mo ago
You are right, the docs just show an example You are still able to use the RQB as always

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