9 Replies
The generic name for that style is engineer boot. Some people might be able to offer suggestions if you provide a budget
fwiw i don't know of any good looking options below 500 bucks
Probably be able to get a pair of Frye or similar decent ones on eBay for a 10th of that tho
Red wings are solid for under $300 iirc
i think they have been discontinued
but i also dislike their shape
I'm eyeing these myself btw:
ADDICT BOOTSの木型の中で最も薄いつま先を持つCL LASTを使用した、ホースハイドハイドエンジニアブーツST LASTに比べ更にトゥのボリュームが抑えられ、ドレスシューズのような佇まいに再構築革は北米産の原皮を使い、オリジナルレシピで作成染料仕上げの茶芯ホースハイドを採用し、独特の質感と色ムラが楽しめますフィット感、歩行性を高めるレザーインソールが付属、使用により革が伸びた後に特に役立ちますレザーライニング仕様 CL LAST Dワイズ 10インチハイトグッドイヤーウェルテッド製法 VIBRAM#705ソール ウェルトシングルステッチ 素材:ホースハイド裏地:カウハイド ※染料仕上げの革に関して、通常の顔料仕上げの革に比
Thanks for the info chopper
Looked at those too but they don’t have the straps and I feel like the shape is a little too straight. Appreciate tho.
These are sick. Thanks @defmacr0
Just don't get them in my size
The boots in the on-body pic look worn/loved so the material is gonna be more distressed/softer - they almost look like suede