RichtextEditor inserting HTML

Is there a possibility to insert HTML Text and save it unescaped to the db in the RichtextEditor?
7 Replies
hyperion-mx3mo ago
// if you are in the Creating step you can use
protected function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate(array $data): array
// $data['your_rich_editor_field_name'] = whattever you want to do to the field data
// for example
$data['your_rich_editor_field_name'] = strip_tags($data['your_rich_editor_field_name']);
// strip_tags is a php function, or you can use anything else

return $data;
// if you are in the Update step

protected function mutateFormDataBeforeSave(array $data): array
// same as above

return $data;
// if you are in the Creating step you can use
protected function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate(array $data): array
// $data['your_rich_editor_field_name'] = whattever you want to do to the field data
// for example
$data['your_rich_editor_field_name'] = strip_tags($data['your_rich_editor_field_name']);
// strip_tags is a php function, or you can use anything else

return $data;
// if you are in the Update step

protected function mutateFormDataBeforeSave(array $data): array
// same as above

return $data;
igorclaussOP3mo ago
Sorry. I was too imprecise with my explanation. I want to be able to insert HTML content and keep the HTML tags explicitly so that I can embed the content later in the same way.
hyperion-mx3mo ago
I think it saves it as html in the data column when using a rich editor so no extra work required login to the database and check it to confirm
hyperion-mx3mo ago
here is an example where am using the rich editor as you see it does save the tags
No description
igorclaussOP3mo ago
True that. My point was when I insert HTML I have written elsewhere the RichtextEditor saves it escaped to the database. It wraps it in his own tags tough, as you mentioned.
awcodes3mo ago
It’s going through a sanitizer to help protect from xss vulnerabilities. The underlying trix editor could be doing its own sanitizing as well. A lot of rich text editors work that way. If you actually need Freeform html then you’re probably going to have to do a custom field where you have more control over what’s allowed and what isn’t.
igorclaussOP3mo ago
Okay, thank you Adam. That's a solution I can work with.

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