Pants Boners
I keep getting "Pants Boners", like, when I wear pants, usually when I sit down, but a little when I'm standing, it will look like I have a boner because my pants bend near the crotch. It's really embarrasing, and I can't stand it. How do I fix this?!?
10 Replies
Could be a lot of things, but to an extent this is just how it be sitting down
coming to terms with faberections 😔
Most of the reasons I can think of are that the pants are too slim. Hard to gauge without pics but I understand not wanting to post pics of this issue
If you're able to take a pic in a way you're comfortable with that would help a lot
like, this

i usually wear baggy pants
so im lost
some of this is because of fabric just doing this, but the worst ones are usually with zipper flys
I'm ngl that looks normal lol
Give the fabric a lil tug on each leg and u should be fine
ya it's genuinely just a thing that happens with pants. I wouldn't overthink it.
aight thanks yall
Never have I ever seen someone actually concerned about the zipper “boner”. I honestly forget it’s a thing until a thread like this pops up. Don’t even think about it that’s just how pants are