Will i be asked for any evidences ?

Hello , first of all i don't know if i can discuss this topic here or no . I got banned on 24 OCT , Reason is : Using 3RD Part tools . am more than 100% sure i never used it so i would like to ask , will i be asked for any evidences regarding my current situations ? will i be given a proof of me cheating or using any 3rd party tools ? i got banned on 24 OCT while my last played game was on 19 OCT . kind regards .
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Hello, @Volt! Accounts are suspended for violating PUBG MOBILE's terms of service. Please use the File Claim option when trying to log into your account if you want to appeal for your account suspension. If you have any objections to claim results, please contact the customer service through in-game or through this email: [email protected]....
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3 Replies
VoltOP5mo ago
just for the record i do not have any penalties history .
Quendi5mo ago
Hello, @Volt! Accounts are suspended for violating PUBG MOBILE's terms of service. Please use the File Claim option when trying to log into your account if you want to appeal for your account suspension. If you have any objections to claim results, please contact the customer service through in-game or through this email: [email protected]. If you are not satisfied with the results after receiving a response, you may submit a support request through the official support subreddit with a description of the issue and your numeric user identification and wait patiently for a response.
VoltOP5mo ago
Hello , I appreciate the response but this has nothing to do with my question . My question was clear and its conclusion is ‘‘ will i be asked for /given any evidence of me cheating/using 3rd party tools “ . I tried to ask on reddit but my post was deleted .

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