mfad•5mo ago

Is this wool shirt too short on the arms?

I got this Polo Ralph Lauren wool shirt from a charity shop last month, and as you can see from the photos, it's a bit short on the arms but not too much, which means I can use it for a layering piece, but is it too short to use on its own, without anything on top? Does it really matter?
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44 Replies
Nayyyyy•5mo ago
Yeah too short when wearing by itself
SamOP•5mo ago
Yeah Thanks!
ler•5mo ago
it looks kind of small in general tbh
SamOP•5mo ago
:linkThink: yeah perhaps it's too small in general?
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
It is. It's very short and gathering in your arm pits because they're too high/narrower than your chest.
SamOP•5mo ago
ah that's a bit of a shame. It did feel nice to wear, the wool.
SamOP•5mo ago
This was what I was going for today, and I don't think I have any other dark navy shirts like the wool one 🥲
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SamOP•5mo ago
:thonk: I think it's a navy overshirt over a turtleneck sweater?
carrion•5mo ago
this is where understanding silhouette comes into play. The inspo here is more than just a navy overshirt- it's oversized. If you wanted to achieve a similar effect with the same RL shirt you posted, you'd need to go a few sizes larger than your usual tagged size.
SamOP•5mo ago
🤔 I've not considered silhouette before
SamOP•5mo ago
The one I've got atm is a medium
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SamOP•5mo ago
So I'd probably go for XL here If I can find it again online
carrion•5mo ago
I mean, as a general rule of thumb yeah you'd want to be sizing up a couple times. But if you're buying secondhand you really need the measurements. The shirt you're wearing here is flat out too small for you, and since it's secondhand wool I wouldn't be surprised if it's shrunk significantly from the original size. So it really is impossible to say XL is the move. This is why we're always harping on people to take their measurements and compare them to the garments they're considering. You should start! It is one of the most important pieces to consider in building an outfit.
ler•5mo ago
You could look at the Yarmouth from PRL, it’s cut oversized and big all over.
John_Red•5mo ago
Looking at your shirt, to me it looks like It might have been washed and dried inappropriately and as it has shrunk quite a bit, maybe that's why it's being sold second hand. Like if you look at the placket, it looks like it's not straightforward that's due to the placket keeping it's original length due to the extra fabric and buttons while the rest of the shirt looks like it shortened quite a bit.
Justino•5mo ago
Try looking back through your most recent inspo post and consider the silhouette in each photo. The clothes themselves are all nothing too crazy, but what makes it really cool is the way everything fits (for me at least). Notice the shapes created by some of the wider fits, the way the pieces drape, the space between the people and the clothes. Consider how the vibe would change if everything was slim fit instead. Have you read the "How to Breathe" guides yet?
SamOP•5mo ago
Not yet.
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
@Sam I know you've been looking at Popeye a bit, so the big thing Popeye editors seem to value is a certain perspective on silhouette, often done with fairly "basic" items (mainly military surplus and ivy classics). It's worth looking at it with that in mind.
SamOP•5mo ago
hmm this was one of the inspo images I tried to use earlier for waywt
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SamOP•5mo ago
One of the things I notice is that the sleeves on the jumper are crumpled, which suggests to me that it could be an oversized jumper. I also can see that the jeans are wide.
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Yep, for sure that. You can also see the shoulder seams are quite far beyond his shoulder bone. I suspect that model is wearing probably two sizes "too big" on the top with some pretty loose fitting jeans.
SamOP•5mo ago
oh, i didn't notice that before :linkThink:
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Yep, but the thing to really look at isn't how one piece fits but how it all goes together as an outfit. Sizing up can look great (as it does in this photo) but it can also look bad if the rest of your outfit doesn't work with it. To some degree that's silhouette.
SamOP•5mo ago
Ok It's something I'll try to consider now and practice, silhouette and seeing an outfit as a whole How could I practice silhouette with my outfits?
zeometer•5mo ago
if you own clothes of a different silhouette (big or wide or cropped, for example) it's a matter of trying them on if not, you can try on clothes when shopping that are oversized or cropped or that sit differently on your body and see how you feel in them and about them worst comes to worst try them on and make a new thread with pics
SamOP•5mo ago
I've started to read the how to breathe guide finally i've got an outfit to use those button up shirts
SamOP•5mo ago
I think something like this could work
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Saltbender•5mo ago
It’s 2024, so I’m always partial to swapping to wider/less tapered pants I think the top block fits fine though
SamOP•5mo ago
SamOP•5mo ago
I'm trying on what I've got to see what would do for the button up like what the article suggested
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SamOP•5mo ago
So far there's 1 shirt thats been breathable out of the 4 I've tried so far Both of the RL shirts I've available have been pretty snug There's not much breathing room between either But yeah, I might look to get some more standard fit button ups I did order 2 Yarmouth's off eBay, to see which one would fit best Ok
SamOP•5mo ago
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SamOP•5mo ago
Is it too large? :thonk:
ler•5mo ago
Yarmouth? Nah honestly they fit like that! This is where silhouette comes in, some wider pants, play with shape. This is the last time I wore mine https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1116800072093532191/1298750806559821907 A lot of the inspo you post seems to have more oversized looks, it can be tough to get into but just play with it a bit
Justino•5mo ago
A lot of my shirts fit like these and I enjoy wearing them
ler•5mo ago
you can play with proportions too, so in mine i have my undershirt tucked and there's a lot of contrast there too, and my pants are equally big @zeometer also plays around with proportions really well, like this big shirt big pant here https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1116800072093532191/1300916096634716191 or this one he was experimenting with in Q&A https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1300496845612515378/1300548907339874394
zeometer•5mo ago
the second shirt is a yarmouth in fact :xd: it took some adjustment to get used to such a big shirt but i like the added volume in some settings
ler•5mo ago
yeah the added length was a bit jarring at first for me more than the overall volume.
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Just gonna point out you can read your full name in these photos. Might not be something that bothers you but worth a mention.
SamOP•5mo ago
Oh it's not bothering me that much
SamOP•5mo ago
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SamOP•5mo ago
It does look closer to these inspo

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