Using a CMS on a vanilla JS website??
I am making vanilla JS websites for clients. How can I provide a way for them to edit site section? I work with github to deploy my sites and netlify to host them. So I was thinking off making my own CMS that pushes changes directly to GitHub.
Do any off you know any better alternatives?
9 Replies
I'm a really big fan of Craft but it costs $ yearly to use it, and they use PHP & Twig for templating
It'll depend on your tech stack though. You can look into a Headless CMS if you're working with something like React for your frontend
In any case, I recommend going for the easiest solution with the lowest barrier of entry (so not making your own CMS)
@vince well I just make frontend website with plain html, css and js. So my option are very limited I guess.
what you are asking is extremely broad
you can just have everything in the database and edit it there directly
you can have a github repo with the markdown which then is recompiled to html
there are tons of backends for php, for example
im sure there are backends built in js as well
if you want, you can even just have a json file with everything
or manually edit html files in a folder, and those files are then shown as part of the rendered page
the possibilities are endless, and it all depends on how "jank" it can be
if you need something professional, either use an existing solution (recommended for you) or make your own from scratch (i VERY heavily DO NOT recommend this for a beginner)
@ἔρως would you recommend a cms that works with git?
You might want to check out it's somewhat limited in what it can do and requires some upfront setup from you, but you basically designate certain elements as editable using custom attributes on the html and you can design page templates so they can add blogs or whatever
Surreal CMS
A bolt-on CMS that makes websites more powerful and easy to edit.
You build your website as normal in vanilla html/CSS/js, define your custom components and templates, and then let them at it with a very simple wysiwyg editor
wow looks greate
This looks pretty interesting. I might have to give it a go 🤔