Page header in topbar

I want to move the page header (the one with breadcrumbs, title and actions) in the topbar. I managed to extend some fiels (layout, topbar etc) in order to add the header but I can't seem to make the actions work. Is this the way to do this. Is there another way i can accomplish this?
9 Replies
Adam Holmes
Adam Holmes4mo ago
There was some chatter about this here: There's a few messages further up too It might at least point you in the right direction
toeknee4mo ago
GitHub - diogogpinto/filament-page-context: A Filament plugin that ...
A Filament plugin that automatically injects current request breadcrumbs and page title into the filament() method, enhancing page context and navigation for Filament admin panels. - diogogpinto/fi...
razvan1033OP4mo ago
That is a great plugin but unfortunately does not help me so much. The idea is to use the empty space from the topbar and inject the page header. Breadcrumbs, tile and actions. The only thing missing is how can I add actions in the topbar
toeknee4mo ago
So that will do the breadcrumbs and title? But you can modfiy it and add in your own actions?
razvan1033OP4mo ago
I managed to move the page header into topbar. Here's how I did this: 1. Create a custom layout based on vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/layout/index.blade.php Modify it so that it uses a custom sidebar and custom topbar topbar is copied from vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/topbar/index.blade.php sidebar is copied from vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/sidebar/index.blade.php 2. In topbar I removed the sections about tenancy and navigation since I won't use them and added an empty <div id="here-is-where-i-need-page-header" /> I also increased the height of the topbar. 3. In sidebar i just increased the height so it matches the topbar 4. Create custom header from vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/header/index.blade.php Added @teleport('#here-is-where-i-need-page-header'). This id should match the one from point 2. 5. Create custom page from vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/page/index.blade.php In my custom page i replaced the <x-filament-panels::header /> with my custom one <x-filament.header /> Here is how to use the new components. In the custom page that you create, you should have the following:
protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.evaluation-resource.pages.evaluation-details'; // default view that is created by filament

protected static string $layout = 'custom.layouts.index'; // path for point 1
protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.evaluation-resource.pages.evaluation-details'; // default view that is created by filament

protected static string $layout = 'custom.layouts.index'; // path for point 1
The page view should use your custom page instead of <x-filament-panels::page /> created on point 5. Now the page header should appear in the topbar. Let me know what you think about this approach!
krekas4mo ago
what you did here is really bad practice. every filament update could brake something or some features just won't work. especially when v4 will get released if this application will get upgraded it will be such a headache by the actions, you mean actions to create, delete record right? can you also show how it looks now?
razvan1033OP4mo ago
This is how it looks. What would be the good practice to achieve the same thing ?
No description
krekas4mo ago
What's that below breadcrumb?
razvan1033OP4mo ago
custom heading

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