Issue with relationmanager on complicated relation (bug?)
Hi, I have a more complicated relation on my orders table. I want to retrieve all invoice lines which are connected to orders, orders.products or orders.products.attachments. This way I can display all invoice lines related to the order without navigating to the underlying resources.
The relationship is looking as follows:
This relation is retrieving the correct data in the relation table, see screenshot 1 and 2. The records do show the correct id and in the mount action inside the html it is also displaying the correct id. Whenever I open the default edit Action it always opens id 3914 for each row while the mountaction is actually trying to correctly mount the invoice line.
Now when I debug any further and make a custom action
the $livewire->mountedTableAction is displaying the correct ID when opening. But the $record variable always passes id 3914 and therefore the edit action is always showing this record to be edited while the table is correctly displaying the data.
Is this a bug or am I missing something? Thanks!
1 Reply
anybody who has some ideas? Can this be a bug? Or should I just implement a custom action with the $livewire->mountedTableAction variable