different ways to write a function in an object

Hey, i've seen a function in an object either being written as a key value pair on simply on it's own e.g.
const obj = {
exampleFunc: function() {
console.log("example function")

const obj = {
exampleFunc() {
console.log("example function")
const obj = {
exampleFunc: function() {
console.log("example function")

const obj = {
exampleFunc() {
console.log("example function")
What is the difference between these two methods and when would you need to use one over the other? perhaps is just preference too? Thanks in advance.
17 Replies
TOMUTO 🍅5mo ago
this is the first time i am seeing the 2nd one there are i think quite some ways to do it like u can arrow functions exampleFunc: () => {...} the main difference between arrow func and anyonymous function i believe is just in the this keyboard this keyword in arrow function refers to gloabal this i.e window object where is in anonymous function is refers to the object itself
ἔρως5mo ago
it's not just that: - this doesn't change - arguments doesn't exist - implicit return if you have just 1 expression without braces - if you have 1 argument, you don't need parenthesis
snxxwyyOP5mo ago
when you say arguments don't exist in an arrow function, what do you mean? i thought you could use arguments? like so
const example = (a, b) => a * b

example(2, 2)
const example = (a, b) => a * b

example(2, 2)
snxxwyyOP5mo ago
Ohh I see
Jochem5mo ago
And this is true for arrow functions, not the syntax snxxwyy showed afaik. That's an anonymous function but it should still work like a regular named function I think? AFAIK the difference between snxxwyy's examples is nonexistent
ἔρως5mo ago
yes, but i wasn't talking about that i was answering to this but in the object, it's exactly the same the example code, that is however, i think it is a named function
ἔρως5mo ago
yes, it is a named function
No description
ἔρως5mo ago
const obj = {
exampleFunc() {
console.log("example function")
const obj = {
exampleFunc() {
console.log("example function")
is the same as this:
const obj = {
exampleFunc: function exampleFunc() {
console.log("example function")
const obj = {
exampleFunc: function exampleFunc() {
console.log("example function")
Jochem5mo ago
Not saying you were, just clarifying for the actual question of the topic
ἔρως5mo ago
that makes sense
TOMUTO 🍅5mo ago
I didn't even know this was a thing lol. ok so this keeps track of all the arguments u pass in, even if u pass more arguments than is required. so basically this is the equivalent of the rest parameter?
ἔρως5mo ago
not exactly it has other things that rest parameters don't have
TOMUTO 🍅5mo ago
i see
ἔρως5mo ago
differences between rest parameters vs arguments: - arguments has ALL the arguments - rest parameters only have the rest of the parameters that aren't associated to a specific argument variable - arguments is an array-like object, rest parameters are an array - arguments has the callee property, which refers to the function itself (just ... don't ask) - arguments isn't available in arrow functions - rest parameters are a syntax change to javascript, while arguments is just a variable - returning arguments is VERY VERY VERY bad, returning rest parameters is fine - to receive rest parameters, you must write the arguments - for the arguments to work, you don't need to declare any arguments for example, take this code:
const abc = (a, b, ...c) => [a, b, c];

const args = function() {
return Array.from(arguments);
const abc = (a, b, ...c) => [a, b, c];

const args = function() {
return Array.from(arguments);
if you call it like this: func_name(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) you have the following results: - abc(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) -> [1, 2, [3, 4, 5]] - args(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
TOMUTO 🍅5mo ago
i see. thank you very much for the in dept information
ἔρως5mo ago
you're welcome

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