Gifting $20 rp for anyone who can help fix my issue
I have been having this issue for 6 entire weeks now. I have been back and forth with Riot Support for the entire length, and they have been no help.
I have tried pretty much every solution on the internet. Anyone else having this issue?
I get the same error for League too, but if I keep pressing Update, League will eventually work. When I try to do the same process for Valorant after finishing League, the riot client will either crash or give this error message. Then, I will go back to League again, and I have to perform the updates again.

234 Replies
What antivirus u got?
just the basic windows defender. I've added all riot related files as an exception too
How many times have u tried reinstalling the game?
like complete reinstall? over 10x
Open cmd as admin
Type these commands and show result
sc query vgk
sc query vgc

Disable ipv6 and in dns use and
Delete riva tuner statistics if u have it.
Let valorant,valorant win64 shipping,riot client and vanguard through firewall.
Fully uninstall valorant riot client and vanguard from ur pc and install them again.
i've tried that already, but lemme try again
delete these folders: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\riot-client-ux C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Riot Games C:\ProgramData\Riot Games
these folders hold some cache files and settings as well
did everything including deleting those folders, still getting the issue

ah now my league isn't working with the spam update button trick
jk, i just had to click it like 10 more times
but val still won't work
lol if all hope is lost, a last resort option is to do a complete clean reinstall of your OS (which ofc means you'll lose all your files)
i actually did do a windows reinstall (but kept my files)
Did it work?
This is kind of a weird fix but it worked with one of my friends who experienced the same issue
Try to update valorant using a different network
Hope it fixes your issue
haven't tried that haha, ill try rn
nope, that didn't work
interesting bug
uninstall all riot app including vanguard and delete those folders again
and reinstall everything again
yeah, been trying to fix this issue for over a month now.
i think i just tried that
after uninstall everything and deleted those folders restart the pc and install again
i tried that just now
same shit?
yep, same
i have no idea right now
even riot support doesn't have an answer for me, they tried to close my ticket on me twice lol
there support are useless cant even know how to do bugfixes
run cmd as admin and run ipconfig /flushdns
and restart your pc
I did that too after disabling ipv6 and changing dns 😅
Maybe it has something to do with windows defender
Have you tried to disable it?
And then restarting your pc
i've disabled windwos defender and firewall too, nothing worked there either
have u tried to restart your router?
Instead of disabling it try to switch it's configuration to passive mode
if he tried to disable it the passive mode is almost the same and wont work either
its not defender related
yeah also tried restarting router 🙂
It doesn't seem to be related to his router either
im out of ideas
I mean you could just
Buy a new pc?
i think the only solution is to completely wipe my pc
we dont know the specs its not related here
definitely appreciate the help though
way better than riot support already lol
Maybe the issue will subside once the patch for episode 9 act 3 drops (idk)
yeah i hope so. I know for a fact that this started happening after a patch about 6 weeks ago
Oh so the issue occured right after a patch?
6weeks ago was the patch where they reworked the game filesystem i think
I see, we'll let's hope the next patch will fix your issue
Pretty sure yeah
i hated that update
when's the new update?
Wednesday for NA
Thursday for apac
about 2days in EU
ah thanks
why it was so good
it was about 10min update xD
for nothing
for nothing??? bro it made the game playable for thousands of hard disk users
hmm, have you been uninstalling the game files manually? when i created a ticket for a different issue (image of such incase you also ran into it below), it required me to download a specific uninstaller to help get rid of old files that would have otherwise been hard asf to find. I can pull up the email on doing a true uninstall if you would like but perhaps it may work. The uninstaller was called 'Revo Uninstaller'

this was the step by step process given to me for the issue above, perhaps it could work in this instance as well since it has to do with the game files

move the game and client to a diff partition
it'll probably work I think
yeah i've tried that too, still same error
i've literally tried everything besides wiping my pc
you did wipe C tho right
yeah, deleted all riot related files
```Open the registry editor and go to "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
Show ss
new patch out? My game is not fixed yet lol
i dont have windowsnt
Show ss
There is no way u don't have windows NT
ah my bad, didnt go into Microsoft directory

Click on image file execution options once
Show ss

Nvm back out
Have u tried the autoruns method?
not sure what that is. possibly. what is it?
Download auto runs from the system internal suite
When you have it open press file, and then run as administrator
Then uncheck anything that is red or yellow
Except Vanguard and anything that fails to be unchecked
Restart your computer and then try the game again
Autoruns - Sysinternals
See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login.
It's out?
they should left sunset as before the new one actually trash,
i actually quite like the b site changes
i hate it so ratty site with those boxes
but it was completely unnecessary to change b boba
but dont talk about it here its not for that
@park240 did you get it fixed?
srry, had to go out unexpectedly
let me try it now
didn't work
u just simply make an windows installer to 8gb pendrive and wipe your whole C drive
just make sure u saved all of your necessary files
just a clean install will help u
reinstalling windows while creating a backup is not "simple" haha
wdym didnt work?
@park240 i might have an idea
Since usual uninstall may not wipe all related folders
Google 'Geek Uninstaller'
I use that to uninstall every program i use, it also wipes AppData and register files
And install it again
love the commitment but it might be over
yeah i don't think anything is going to work unless i clean my entire drive
cant believe I found you inna discord server man 😭, i finished your furry roblox oc commission but I cant talk to you in dms for some reason so ill have it ready whenever
??? LOL
Sorry what?
I havent read this at all
but have you tried running the game as admin from the actual game folder?
like here
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64
valorant-win64-shipping.exe as admin
and also update graphics drivers
i cant even download the game so my files aren't even there
@park240 download the game from steam or epic games
before doing that, delete riot games app and valorant from add or remove program seting
No vpn right
i have the exact same issue
did you manage to fix it?
lol nope. been having the issue for over a month and a half now
3weeks for mwe
you've scanned and repaired?
try this
Open Registry Editor (just type regedit in windows search)
Go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
Set DevOverrideEnable = 0 (double click and change the value)
restart PC
i’ve already tried that
like literally everything besides reinstalling windows haha
Atp just reinstall Windows 🤷🏿♀️
it might be your anti virus. I don't know much, but I had problems with my anti virus while playing valorant. If you don't have one, turn off your real time protection and redownload valorant/riot games.
i mean, this might be the only way
i'm pretty sure he already tried that
yeah already tried that
might just have to reformat it yeah
still looking for tips! Increasing bounty to $20
The file is full
I guess
Turn off ur windows defender
No exceptions
When you install it choose a different installation path
btw have u tried a vpn yet.
@park240 let's try clearing the Riot Client and Valo Cache .
1. Sign out of Riot Client and then Win+R and type in %appdata% . Delete the Riot client folder.
2. Now, Win+R , type in %localappdata% and delete the VALORANT Folder.
3. In the same %localappdata% folder, navigate to Riot client , you'll find 3 folders: Install VALORANT, Riot Client, VALORANT. Delete the VALORANT folder
4.Restart your PC and see if the problem still persists.
The motive of this fix is to give Valo a fresh start ( your sensitivity won't go away but your keybinds might . Your in-game progress won't go away so don't worry)
thanks for the detailed steps, but i already tried all that
i tried pretty muich every solution available besides reinstalling windows
oh F , sorry it had gone in vain
just trying to see if anybody has any other solutions before i resort to that
I understand
i'll let you know if I have anything else in mind
a vpn?
how's the issue network related tho?
just curious
I'm assuming for obvious reasons the updates dont happen on the same server you play actual matches on etc, so it might be a routing or any other issue related to connection, being blocklisted whatever ( i have seen a vpn fix this for some people)
tldr, might be issue connecting to server
huh, interesting...
keyword assuming
yep I did notice on that emphasis
all good
yeah, i disabled all that too
Why not make a support ticket on valorant website? I did that too. And if you need to select some error codes just select a random one and when you need to explain what is happening you say you don't have the error code you selected because you have a problem that isnt selectible in the dropdown menu and explain your problem.
I did that too
My problem wasnt an option for so I just selected one randomly and explained I was having a different kind of problem I couldnt select
They helped me fine! 1 or 2 days and my problem was fixed!
i did. It’s been 8 weeks and they still haven’t given me a solution 🙂
gone back and forth with them a lot
Oh lol haha for me it was within 2 days that I got a solution for a problem that wasnt even in the dropdown menu
I had pc crashes and got it fixed by doing this
Dont think it can help you but you could always try that
The file is just gonna regenerate it is only deleted because it was corrupt or something wrong I think so pc restart will remake the file
Let me know if you are gonna try 🙂
turn ur pc off and on again 👍
hm interesting i’ll give that a try when i get back from work
Dont know if it will work because it is for a different problem but a try couldnt hurt haha 😁
i’m desperate 😂
try to perform a clean boot maybe?
hey yo
i think we got the same issue
for me whenever i click the update button it works but then the update button comes back
my issue is vanguard not letting me install
idfk why
@park240 did you try adding vanguard and valorant into your firewall exception list?
Your Firewall VS. VALORANT
If you've encountered Error Code 29, chances are something has gone awry in the interplay between VALORANT and Windows Firewall. This can be further complicated if you're running antivirus software...
does ur issue say file cannot be found?
yeah i tried that
did you reinstall windows?
or you still trying to fix
try reinstalling?
i tried reinstalling val ofc
haha not yet, i know that will most likely solve my issue, but trying to avoid it
wdym by that
well like the only issue im having rn is
whenevr i click update button
it works for 1 - 2 minute
and the update button appears back
yeah me too, but there’s a popup for me that says the issue was that the update couldn’t find a file
bro this shit is frustating man
i dont wanna play rblx
got no mood for it
i didn tveen hit plat before the act ended
and after the act ended
i tried to grind
and shit fucking happened man
all good just a game 🙂
been liek this for days
is this what u experience?
hm not really. My error log is different. it says that a file could not be accessed
dammm bruhh
this game is giving me mnetall illness istg
from the error
you should try all the possible solutions in this thread
maybe they’ll work for you
the fact that you say "all the possible solutions in this thread " shows how difficult and different the issue your facing lmao xD. I hope it would get sorted nonetheless
ikr 😭
i just resetted my pc
hopefully it works
@park240 what motherboard do you have ?
For some reason valorant just doesn't on some motherboards
i have a 650
They i dont have idea
Do you have list of your pcs parts?
Reset my entire PC and wiped my drives CLEAN. still doesn't work...
offer for helping me solve this issue is still up.
Demn this is still up
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Scroll down
Show ss

i dont understand how im getting this issue even after restting my pc / drives clean
Do uk how to enable secure boot?
Restart ur pc and spam the del key on ur keyboard as its starting to get into the bios. Use ur phone to chat here
yeah it’s enabled
my friend had this issue too i fixed it for him
try going to your LIVE riot folder and deleting the valorant folder
then reinstall
it worked for him
ive done that countless of times. doesn't work for me unfortunately
it seems like it's download contents everytime i hit the update button. then it fails again.
update -> download several files -> fails -> update -> download several files -> fail ... repeat
I got an idea tho, hopefully it works out. Try reinstalling the game but this time, make sure you install vanguard in the programfiles x86 folder
Also try windows 11
nope, just tried that
didn't work either
Enable memory integrity
also tried windows 11 a while back, that didn't work
Does it say on in msinfo32 now?
yeah, says enabled now.

where do i find memory integrity?
Open windows settings
Search "core isolation"
There enable memory integrity
just tried that too
that didn't work either
it's gotta be something with the patch from like 4months ago not being compatible with my hardware somehow? because i literally clean reset my entire pc
cant even download league
That wasn't all
Restart ur pc once
Show msinfo32 again

Also make sure memory integrity is still enabled
yep still on
Press win+r
Type sigverif
Press enter
Click start
Once done, show ss
i uninstalled riot related things. thats fine?

Click ok
Then advanced
Show ss

View log

Just check for any unsigned drivers
If there are none, leave it
yeah none
Open ur C drive
Then windows
Look for vgkbootstatus dat
Delete that file
Restart ur pc
Try the game
installing now
now my riot client won't even open xD
yeah that didnt work eitehr
if i just keep clicking "Update" it will download more and more files
Keep clicking update :val_HeyApple:
All the files will be downloaded eventually
the client will crash after several attempts unfortunately haha
that's how i get my league to work, just keep pressing update
but valorant doesn't
So its still giving the dependency error?
My last thought is that ur ip is blacklisted
Cuz there is basically nothing else u can do atp
Make a ticket with riot support and tell em u have tried basically everything and ask them to check for an ip blacklist
man riot support sucks haha
but ill try that
thanks for the tremendous help
i just created a new partition on my drive to download it on and that still didn't work 😄
how about just bring a HHD or a SSD drive to a tech support or to a friend pc and just copy and paste the valorant game through a connection of your SSD/HHD with his, but make sure ur SSD/HHD, that ur about to connect, is empty to avoid any risk of data lost.
Its not the game that is having issues
Its vanguard
And simply copying and pasting the vanguard folder will not help
i thought about that tbh
couldn’t i just connect my drive back to my pc and launch it?
I wish u weren't up
Are u wishing bad things on me?
ru gnna call your mom MODMAIL?
I knew it.
also they fixed van 185 yay
How about u call ur mom
dumasses made me do so much irrelevant stuff
Was a game issue in the end
yep... first time a ticket of mine that went to 2 pages
also I got
my six month ban removed LMFAO
Why tf am i not able to attach to any ropes
Its auto jumping out of it as soon as i press f
have you tried restarting your brain
1. Reinstall Vanguard Completely
Fully uninstall Riot Vanguard using the control panel.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard and delete the folder if it still exists.
Restart your PC after uninstalling.
Download and reinstall Vanguard using the Riot Client.
2. Check Background Applications
Some background applications might interfere with Riot Vanguard or the Riot Client. Specifically:
RivaTuner Statistics Server
MSI Afterburner
Any third-party overlay applications (e.g., Discord overlay, Steam overlay).
Disable or uninstall these programs temporarily to test.
3. Ensure Drivers Are Up to Date
Update all system drivers, particularly:
Graphics Card (NVIDIA/AMD).
Network Adapter Drivers.
Use official tools like NVIDIA GeForce Experience, AMD Software, or Intel Driver Support Assistant.
4. Disable Windows Defender and Antivirus Temporarily
Since you're using Windows Defender:
Temporarily disable Real-time protection and Firewall.
Add Riot Client, Valorant, and Vanguard folders as Exclusions again for extra precaution.
After testing, re-enable these settings.
5. Recreate System Dependencies
Sometimes system-level dependencies like .NET Framework or Visual C++ Redistributable might cause issues:
Download and install the latest Visual C++ Redistributable packages (both x86 and x64) from the Microsoft website.
Reinstall the .NET Framework from the official site.
6. Force Reset Network Settings
Open Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following commands:
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
Restart your PC and test again.
7. Manually Reinstall Riot Services
Delete the following folders manually:
C:\Riot Games
C:\ProgramData\Riot Games
C:\Users<YourUser>\AppData\Local\Riot Games
C:\Users<YourUser>\AppData\Roaming\Riot Games
Reinstall Riot Client from scratch.
8. Force Clean Boot
Perform a clean boot to avoid third-party software interference:
Open Run (Win + R) and type msconfig.
Under the Services tab, check "Hide all Microsoft services" and disable all remaining services.
Under the Startup tab in Task Manager, disable all startup programs.
Restart your PC and retry the installation/update.
9. Modify Windows Security Settings
Ensure Virtualization-Based Security (VBS) is completely turned off:
Open Windows Security > Device Security > Core Isolation.
Disable Memory Integrity (if available).
Also, verify that Secure Boot is correctly enabled in your BIOS.
10. Use a Local Administrator Account
Sometimes, permissions issues arise with your user account. Create a new local admin account:
Go to Settings > Accounts > Family & other users.
Add a new user account and assign administrative privileges.
Log in with the new account and test the update process.
11. Check for File System Errors
Open Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following:
sfc /scannow
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
These commands will repair corrupted system files.
12. Recheck BIOS Settings
Enter your BIOS (usually Del or F2 during startup).
Ensure the following:
Secure Boot is enabled.
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is active.
13. Try a Different Riot Account
Occasionally, account-specific issues might cause problems. Log in with a different Riot account and test.
14. Download via VPN
Connect to a VPN and attempt the update from a different region. This may bypass network throttling or geo-related issues.
15. Advanced Windows Reinstallation: Reset Without Reinstall
Use the Reset this PC option in Windows to reset your system while keeping personal files:
Go to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Reset this PC.
Choose Keep my files and let Windows reset.
16. Verify Vanguard Services Status
Open Command Prompt as Administrator and check the status of Vanguard services:
sc query vgc
sc query vgk
If the services are not running, restart them manually:
net start vgc
net start vgk
If they fail to start, reinstall Vanguard as outlined in the previous steps.
17. Temporarily Disable IPv6
Disabling IPv6 can help avoid potential network conflicts:
Go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings.
Right-click on your active network, select Properties, and uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).
Click OK and restart your PC.
18. Advanced Network Configuration: Use Google DNS
Switch to Google Public DNS to resolve possible DNS-related issues:
Go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings.
Right-click your connection, select Properties, and double-click IPv4.
Use these DNS settings:
Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:
Restart your PC after saving the settings.
19. Use Safe Mode with Networking
Boot into Safe Mode with Networking and try running Riot Client or updating Valorant:
Restart your PC and press F8 or hold Shift while selecting Restart from the power menu.
Select Safe Mode with Networking.
Open Riot Client and attempt the update.
20. Check System Logs for Errors
Open Event Viewer (Win + S > search for "Event Viewer") and check the following logs:
Windows Logs > System: Look for errors related to Riot or Vanguard services.
Application Logs: Check for Riot Client-specific errors.
Share specific error codes or details for further troubleshooting.
21. Verify Riot's Hosts File Configuration
Open the hosts file located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts with Administrator privileges.
Ensure no Riot-related entries are blocking connections. If you see any, remove
@zero deaths
22. Run Riot Client as Administrator with Compatibility Mode
Right-click on the Riot Client shortcut and select Properties.
Under the Compatibility tab:
Check Run this program as an administrator.
Enable Compatibility Mode and select Windows 8.
Apply changes and try launching the client.
23. Disable Overclocking and System Tuning
If you're using any overclocking tools (e.g., MSI Afterburner) or system tuning software, revert to default settings:
Disable all overclocks, including GPU, CPU, and RAM.
Ensure BIOS settings like XMP profiles are disabled temporarily.
24. Test with a Hotspot or Alternate Network
Connect your PC to a mobile hotspot or another network to rule out ISP-related issues.
Attempt the Riot Client update or installation using this connection.
25. Recheck GPU Drivers Using DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller)
Fully uninstall GPU drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) in Safe Mode.
Reinstall the latest drivers from your GPU manufacturer's website (NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel).
26. Use a Different User Account
If you're using a Microsoft account, switch to a local administrator account:
Go to Settings > Accounts > Your Info.
Create a new local account, give it administrative privileges, and log in with it.
Reinstall Riot Client and Vanguard from this account.
27. Check Disk Health and Performance
Run the following in Command Prompt as Administrator to check and repair disk errors:
chkdsk /f /r
This will require a reboot to complete. Ensure your storage drive is not causing issues.
28. Test Valorant and League on a Virtual Machine
Set up a virtual machine (VM) using software like VMware or VirtualBox to test if the problem is system-specific:
Install Windows on the VM.
Install Riot Client and Vanguard.
If it works on the VM, it suggests an issue specific to your current OS installation.
29. Perform a Complete Clean OS Installation
If all else fails, consider a clean installation of Windows (not keeping any files):
Back up important data to an external drive.
Use a bootable USB to reinstall Windows completely.
Reinstall only Riot Client and Vanguard after the clean installation.
If none of these work then only gamerdoc can help you :val_Waiting:
god damn
ty for the list i’ll try it out
but i’ve found a new game to play in the meantime
Did they reply to ur ticket?
client logs might have a reason
Yea, the reason of how are u so braindead
Be nicer to people 😒
This thread is still going
Reinstall windows bro
Damn that happened to me but i dont remember how i fixed it
i experienced this issue once, it was faulty windows files, all i did was a complete windows reinstall
has anyone here asked them to scan their windows files
sfc and dism stuff
not sure, this thread are long af
he might be able to fix it using windows command if its minor
maybe try going into appdata and removing the entire valorant file
He did that like 20 times
Did you try to use VPN or something , or change your SSD
Just nuke your PC it's clearly never going to work