Running "railway up --service my-service" but I get 404
I'm trying to deploy my image to railway using the railway cli in my github actions. But when I use "railway up --service my-service" I get 404.
I have multiple projects but in this project I only have one service and that is pulling my image from
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The problem might be that my docker image is private, where can I add credentials?
railway up has nothing to do with images to begin with?
Yea you right. forget about the image.. I just need help selecting my service using the railway up command
Shouldn't "railway up --service my-service" work if I have unique name on my service?
i think you dont really know what that command is used for?
please read the help description for it
I'm sorry for asking, this is a help support chat. If I knew I wouldn't be here..
Have a wonderful day
start by telling us what you want to achieve
Yes, I'm asking about the --service attribute. If you read my question again.
right but you also mentioned an image, railway up has nothing to do with images, so I'd like to know what you'd actually like to achieve
I use your default deploy docker image functionality selecting my docker image from my docker image repository. Then I click "deploy" every time I have a new Image.
So you have docker image functionality, but you still say railway has nothing to do with images? ok.
I'm trying to get rid of the manual step using your cli in my github action workflow. To spin up the railway service after I created a docker image.
please read my messages a little more carefully, I am talking about the railway cli, specifically the
railway up
command, it has nothing to do with deploying from an imageSo you say that running "railway up --service service-name" does not run my service?!
please see the help printout above, it sends code to Railway to build and deploy, nothing to do with ghcr images
I'm not saying it has anything to do with images. I'm saying doesnt "railway up" start my service?!
no, it sends code to railway to build and deploy, start is the wrong term
okey so railway up will build and deploy my service which is a docker image..
it has nothing to do with images, railway up is not to be used when your source is an image
So why do you have a docker image option on the web interface
because that's the web interface, it has nothing to do with the cli
completely different usecase
do you have an action to build an image?
Soo my service i have in my project can not run using the railway cli
the cli has nothing to do with running your service from an image
you've already selected the image, it's already running with the image
dude, stop talking about the image
I have a railway service on my railway project
you mentioned the image in your original post, and you are continuing to mention it yourself
I've told you twice to forget about the image now.
do you not have a service deployed from an image?
then why did you say you did?
i didnt
dude its like talking to a child
im sorry
I just google this
I only have one service and that is pulling my image from
yes the service is a connection to my docker image thats not what you asked.
do you not have a service deployed from an image?
my service is not beeing deployed from my image
and you said no, the answer is yes
yes it is!
You need HR
source imageyou service is deployed from an image, see the screenshot i can't help with incorrect information
You call the code my image is containing "service" i'm talking about railway service
from the build logs -
the railway service is deployed from an image, yes it is
Are you always this disrespectful to Railway costumers? Is this how you keep costumers?
im not being disrespectful, im trying my best to work with incorrect information
Is there anyone I can talk to about your behavior?
You have been rude from your first message
Is there anyone I can talk to about your behavior?
i was trying to understand the situation better
You been basically calling me stupid the entire session
Is there anyone I can talk to about your behavior?
i'm sorry you have felt that way, but that is not the case at all
You need HR
respectfully, they would tell you the same thing i am, ive done my best to work with the information given
Im paying for this service cause I think its cool but this just makes me wanna quit
this is not productive
I wanted to end this conversation along time ago. Now I just want to talk to your boss.
truthfully, he is on PTO
It's not about the information (which is not much) you give me its how you respond. You need HR training to before you communicate with costumers and paying costumers is even worse. This conversation feels like I've been talking to an annoyed 15 yo kid..
Think about that when you talk to another costumer.