Is this memory usage normal?
Im new to laravel & filament, and i've been working on this project for a month now and just discovered laravel debugbar, but im seeing memoru usage around 40ish just like in the pic , but i see in this video its memory usage just 3 mb
did i do something wrong?
my install step :
1. i create-project laravel
2. install livewire 3
3. install filament 3
then added 3 panels and filament shield for each panels
Filament Daily
Filament is Slow? Check Laravel Debugbar.
If you notice that some dynamic elements in Filament are loading slowly, I have a tip for you.
7 Replies
just use php artisan filament:optimize for caching the blade icons stuff and filament components
Are you on Windows? If yes, I got similar memory usage 🤓
windows very slow for running php code, just use wsl for dev if u still need windows
yes im on windows 11
i didnt know that, TIL
Yea, don't worry to much about it on your local environment. On any production server (linux) the usage is as you would expect 🤓 (below is my local windows machine)
ahh i see, so its windows problems then. thank you
i'll try later, thanks!