checking if a string is empty.

Hey, i had a string that started off with the value "" and wanted to check if it was empty. I first tried if (xyz.length <= 0) {...} but found out that "" equates to null and that it wouldn't work due to this. i researched it and found you could do if (xyz) which ended up working, this resource said that that tests for a value but i always thought that sort of if statement was for checking booleans (if (xyz) being "if xyz = true"). Is this a recommended way to check for an empty string and is that a recommended check to do if it's not checking for a boolean? thanks in advance.
17 Replies
dys πŸ™
dys πŸ™β€’5d ago
If, when you run, xyz.length, it tells you "xyz is null", xyz is not an empty string. It is null. ''.length === 0. Try opening the developer's tools console in the browser and pasting ''.length in. As for the if('') thing, read up on "falsy values".
Jochemβ€’5d ago
to add to Dys's excellent answer, the answer here really is It Dependsℒ️ falsey values are super important to understand though
snxxwyyβ€’5d ago
Ah okay i see. Since ”” is considered falsey it worked in that context. So according to dys’s link. If a falsey value is anything ranging from ”” to null to undefined etc, it’s valid to test for it by doing if (xyz)? The same with truthy values I guess? It told me it was undefined. But i declared the variable as an empty string at the start of the script like let var = β€œβ€. So that means I’m essentially declaring it as null if it’s considered not an empty string?
Jochemβ€’5d ago
it really depends on what you want to accomplish down the line with that value they all behave differently in different situations, so if you really have to know if something is an empty string, you use value === "" if you don't care, and it's just a check to see if something is vaguely false-like, then yeah, just checking the falsey value can be fine
TOMUTO πŸ…β€’5d ago
even tho if(string) works fine, idk why i still find more peace at doing if(string && string.length > 0 πŸ˜‚ when u do if(something) rather than any direct comparison (for example if(a === b)) which just returns a boolean value), js converts the something to boolean value empty string is a falsy value hence if u do
if("") { do_something() }
if("") { do_something() }
the do_something() won't run
snxxwyyβ€’5d ago
Fair enough haha. Wouldn’t the string.length > 0 be redundant at that point though?
TOMUTO πŸ…β€’5d ago
i mean that's the whole point that i was tryna make lol
snxxwyyβ€’5d ago
Oh right i see now
TOMUTO πŸ…β€’5d ago
it does become redundant but it still feels safer and gives internal peace πŸ˜‚
snxxwyyβ€’5d ago
Oh, tired brain haha. Can’t argue with that πŸ˜…
TOMUTO πŸ…β€’5d ago
lol. no prob js auto conversion is quite weird
Jochemβ€’5d ago
there's stupid cases with falsey values, just beware
TOMUTO πŸ…β€’5d ago
lol i literally was just messing and found out Number(["11"]) yields to number 11 πŸ˜‚ 2 step conversion Hell ya
Jochemβ€’5d ago
just be really careful with how loosey goosey JS is with its types. There's a famous video that shows a bunch of dumb examples: the JS part starts at 1:20-ish
snxxwyyβ€’5d ago
that's interesting haha thank you everyone for the help
ἔρως‒5d ago
it's possible for something to be truthy and have 0 length, like an array empty arrays are truthy and falsey, so, checking the length isn't overkill and since javascript doesn't have good type checking, it's possible to take an array of strings and your code wouldn't even notice it
ἔρως‒5d ago
as you can see, an empty array can be falsey, when compared to a boolean (if i had to bet, it's being converted to [].join() which is "") and it's truthy when using double-negative to type-duck it into a boolean (all objects are truthy, except null)
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