Can I wear those big roomy wool overcoats as a short guy?
I'm 178 cm, the models are always 188 cm...
I have relatively broad shoulders too, so can't size down too much.
How long below the knees is too long for an overcoat?
13 Replies
Big coats look good long. Don't worry about it.
I don't think 178 is short anywhere in the world
Fellow 178cm guy here, you'll be fine
Only thing I can't wear is length 34 pants
And the longest the coat the cooler really
You are not short jfc
178 is above average height in nearly every country in the world
My coat is like 5 inches from the ground
you are not short
haha i guess i just hang out with really tall people, bless you all
I'm tall and wish I was shorter so my big ass coats hung lower
Also you are above average height in every country but the Netherlands
i wear a 125cm long coat at 178cm lol
been a long time since someone called me short at 178cm
it isn't i am 159/60, that's short, he is tall but doesn't know it or doesn't realise it
dawg this thread is from 2 months ago lol
he got nuked