Postizβ€’4mo ago

PR #262 - Simplify Google OAuth

@Oleksandr Just created a ticket
Question: Can you review and merge the PR? https://github.com/gitroomhq/postiz-app/pull/262
Attempted: - separate auth and social network secrets for Google and Youtube - backward compatibility left, fallback to the Youtube secrets - a little updated .env.example file, so it configuration matches docker-compose credentials
Working On: self-hosting
Take it from here @Mod πŸ”₯
[AB-0002]: google auth configuration simplified by OleksandrKuchere...
What kind of change does this PR introduce? Google Auth and Google Youtube - are divided into two different environmental variables Why was this change needed? Login/SignIn/SignUp - should have ...
19 Replies
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
What is this coalesceES6? Why not to do just const CLIENT_ID = GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID || YOUTUBE_CLIENT_ID?
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
why not GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID ?? YOUTUBE_CLIENT_ID ? ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61481631
Stack Overflow
When should I use ?? (nullish coalescing) vs || (logical OR)?
Related to Is there a "null coalescing" operator in JavaScript? - JavaScript now has a ?? operator which I see in use more frequently. Previously most JavaScript code used ||. let userAge =
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
Yes you can also use ?? but it overkilled it with some crazy function haha Both will work because .env is either null, false or string
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
the thing is to use first not NULL, not UNDEFINED, not empty string and I think I failed on it πŸ™‚
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
target more - false, null, undefined, 0 ?? target only null or undefined so both can work, I like the '', just a preference, I almost never use ??
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
false and 0 - are acceptable
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
How? πŸ˜„ I don't remember that there can be a client_id with false
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
how else you can DISABLE something? I want self-hosted solution where not needed providers will be completely disabled and not even visible in UI
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
Well, for that we need to create an infrastracture we don't have this so far You can. open an issue on that Generally speaking, I would like to move all the keys to the database to be controlled by a super admin
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
so logical will be in .env file specify X_CLIENT=false let's do it one by one... we don't need to overthink the solution
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
We can do one variables ENABLED_PROVIDERS=facebook,x,google... etc with the default in the .env.example will be all of them
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
Someone has to open a ticket and decide how to implement it ... there are 100 different ways to achieve this.
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
I think one of the main options - like generic and legit is to add to the interface of the provider providerValidation(): boolean { return process.env.X_CLIENT_ID && process.env.X_CLIENT_SECRET; }
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
the best will be to have a "configuration wizard" cli for the project
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
something like this or even better providerValidation(): string[] { return ['X_CLIENT_ID', 'X_CLIENT_SECRET']; } it will check if they exists, if not it in dev it will give you a console.warning with the name of the variables
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
another quick option is to have a small validation bash script that verify the format of the .env file ref1: https://github.com/OleksandrKucherenko/e-bash/blob/master/demos/demo.envrc.validator.sh ref2: https://github.com/OleksandrKucherenko/e-bash/blob/master/bin/qa_validate_envrc.sh
e-bash/demos/demo.envrc.validator.sh at master Β· OleksandrKucherenk...
Helper BASH scripts that make any project maintenance easier. versioning, dependencies, tools, CI/CD etc. - OleksandrKucherenko/e-bash
e-bash/bin/qa_validate_envrc.sh at master Β· OleksandrKucherenko/e-b...
Helper BASH scripts that make any project maintenance easier. versioning, dependencies, tools, CI/CD etc. - OleksandrKucherenko/e-bash
Nevo David
Nevo Davidβ€’4mo ago
No a big fan of bash script, because you need to maintain it, code infra would work much better Also if you make providerValidation a required function, you would never forget to implement it
Oleksandrβ€’4mo ago
ok... continue in the evening
xconsβ€’4mo ago
Heya, I commented on the PR that generally it was OK, but drop the changes in the .env.example, and I also was a bit confused but the coalesees6 function The rest of the codebase uses || all over the place, probably best to stay consistent Absolutely we need to switch to a settings editor as well, hah, as that is now the source of 95% of support requests

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